Archive for the ‘Lobbyists’ Category
The winter of my disgust
This is goddamn ridiculous. No public option, no expansion of Medicare but a bill that still mandates Americans buy insurance from private, avaricious, corrupt, compassionless corporations that avoid caring for the sick as deftly as they obviate promoting health care for the healthy. This is fucking bullshit.
Zero sum game. Embarrassing. All this work and debate. We will end with nothing or worse than nothing.
Depends on how you look at it and what passes.
All the power in the hands of this jackass Lieberman? How did that happen? He says he’s getting closer to being able to vote for health care reform. Closer? Who the fuck is this guy? I’ll tell you who he is. His state, Connecticut, is ground zero for the insurance industry. They give him tons of cake and they let him eat it too. He first championed expansion of Medicare during his bid for the Vice Presidency with Al Gore. He’s said it since in many ways and so many venues. Now he says he’ll support a Republican filibuster for any bill containing that, or a public option.
That or a public option.
Benedict Fliptop, what a dick. The ghost of Ted Kennedy should visit this asshole over the holidays and punch him in the mouth. Then Teddy should show him the future of his Christmas’ with thousands dying and him losing elections. I loathe this prick. I will personally campaign against this douchebag like nobody’s business. Did you know that Joe Lieberman has sex with prostitutes?
He will never again represent the citizens of his state or anyone else in this country.
Then we have Ben Nelson from Nebraska. He’s still not happy with the abortion language in the current bill. This guy is a fuckhead. This is not about your ridiculous moralizing, it’s about 140 people dying everyday for lack of coverage you asshole. Ben Nelson and Trader Joe can take a long slow lick on my diseased scrotum.
Here’s the bottom line. This bill mandates that we buy into this egregious clusterfuck without any mechanism for protecting us from their abhorrent policies. If we don’t, we will be fined and that money will go directly to their coffers. How’s that for truth, justice and the American way? Here’s a shit sandwich, no condiments, no lettuce and no bread. Just shit.
This is what the cause for health care reform has become. A cool water sandwich and a Sunday go to meeting bun. What do you want for nothing? A rubber bisquit? Bow bow bow.
See the job of our legislative branch has never been to legislate morality, although it too often has, it’s job is to legislate ethics and fairness, although it too often doesn’t. This protracted and vulgar instance is a shiny red thumb of that example.
People are so fond of screaming for the reconciliation strategy. What they don’t understand is that it’s a purely fiscal process. Preventing big insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions or exercising caps on lifetime or annual coverage is not possible in this process.
Dr. Howard Dean is a physician, that’s why he has that “DR.” before his name. He’s also a former candidate for President of The United States and former chair of the Democratic party (DNC) where he was a leading architect in gaining a legislative majority in congress. He’s smart and has the courage of his convictions. Despite my impression that he always looks like he’s swallowed a turd or at least snorted one, I like him. He’s tough and speaks truth to power whether it gets him in trouble or not. This is a man who doesn’t give a mad fuck and has nothing to lose. Tonight he announced on public television that the bill, as it exists, should be killed by Democrats. He said that his recommendation to U.S. Senators is to vote against it.
That’s pretty heavy and it carries more than water where I’m concerned.
He pointed out that although the bill provides for no exclusion based on pre-existing condition, it does allow for charging three times as much based on age alone. It’s a fecal falafel.
I understand there are important reforms still in this bill but they are rendered moot by the mandate that we purchase the product. It’s right here that it becomes nothing more than smoking a Tootsie Roll of cat crap in hell.
We’ve reached a point where the greasy oily Republicans aren’t even a legitimate factor in the debate. The ignorant fucktards have long since marginalized and rendered themselves inconsequential. Now it’s just the Democrats fighting among themselves over the definition of “Real Reform”.
This really is nothing but a butt based product buffet. Spoons up.
The good news better be what I think it is. Reconciliation. Could be used after some legislation has passed. Fund stuff through the back door to support the bill, the policies, the ideal.
I’m really not holding my breath but you can’t telegraph that move even if both parties know what’s next. It would be nothing short of grandiose to find out Harry and The Dems are as clever as Benny and The Jets.
I gotta tell ya, this piece has been easy to write but tough to stomach.
Drinks for my friends.
Sicker than a dog
I’m not gonna look this up because it’s stuck in my head. Some 75% of Americans want health care reform anon.
This is about as popular an issue gets in America, as at least a quarter of us are retarded, misguided, rich or willfully ignorant. They kill horses don’t they?
I love that phrase. Willfully ignorant. I made it up for my own self but it’s a likely coupling so I’m sure I’d read it somewhere, then one day I summoned and it became mine. Non exclusive of course.
Yet congress and their convoluted committees scramble, and media is so complicit it’s pissing kerosene onto the politics thereof as opposed to shining the spot on the humanity of it. How important it is for the individual as well as the whole. An equitable system in the world’s richest country and the only one without it. The promise of helping the economy and by giving the middle class a little more discretionary cash by simply reducing what it costs to protect a family.
Now that’s a tax cut.
Taxing the rich. Yep, they that had largess heaped upon by the last administration might now be called upon to put a little paper in the pot instead of nickels and slugs. Oh my God it’s socialism! You people are killing me. Teabaggers and racists. Stupid is as stupid does.
Big important stuff that is nothing more than a goddamn pinata on the nightly news. They are creating a degree of drama that is understandable given the short attention span proscenium beneath which they are forced to enact and pontificate, but this shit is important and their looseness with the football is inexcusable.
What the fuck is going on here? Ratings and revenue. Our own damn fault at the end of the day.
It never stops being about our own stupidity.
I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The tremendous pressure brought to bear on already spineless elected bureaucrats behind virtually the same proscenium. Again, the asshats in Congress playing inexcusably loose with the ball.
Four lobbyists for every elected member of the legislative branch. Three quarters of the people wanting what they don’t understand will be a bloody beatdown on industries from insurance to pharmaceutical. The big boys besides energy and military industrial. The Democrats pissing themselves. A signpost ahead. No Walking In The Park.
I need to wade in and study the minutiae further but we don’t really have a bill yet. I was hoping to read a bill. Maybe it’ll be less substantial than an Elmore Leonard novel. Hoping for a thickish pamphlet.
This is huge and so are Obama’s balls. He’s pushing a big pile out there after just sitting down. They make him work for it. I confess I have yet to see tonight’s press conference. Didn’t pay the cable bill.
This Clintons saw their clocks cleaned over just such calumny decades ago and the beast has gained muscle and influence ever since. The gravity of this specific issue is almost immune to underestimation for anyone who pays attention. If Obama manages to prevail here, his wizardry will be all but unavoidable. At his command will be the attention and affection of America’s heart along with her best and brightest.
Should he be bested and lose this contest, the path for him to accomplish any other important thing will be much steeper and traction much harder to come by. I worry because so much is out of his hands.
This is bigger than you know. Support your President. He is showing you courage and fortitude. Just because you voted for him is no reason for you to think your job is done. Civic duty and patriotism are an American imperative.
“Walk right out into a brand new day
Insane and rising in my own wierd way”
-Art Alexakis from Everclear’s “Santa Monica”
Drinks for my friends.
Lipstick and warheads
Last night I was full to bursting with ideas, things I wanted to tell you about. Sinister and lucid. Piss and vinegar. Last night my adorable cat Beddy (short for Bedhead – nom de Fish), successfully executed her new hobby of tipping over any liquid bearing vessel into my wireless keyboard. Dead in the water. Pun intended.
Gin may have faired better due to the lesser electrical conductivity of alcohol. Beats me.
Tonight I got nuthin. Tonight, my goddamn Direct TV is out so I can’t count on television to piss me off. Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something, I always do. It will be the inaugural voyage on my new, really cool, post modern Mac keyboard. Excited? Good. Me Too.
I got sock radar. If there’s two clean socks in this place, I will find them in minutes.
Excuse me while I smoke some pot. I like pot. It’s like a push up bra. It makes an already good thing better.
Good. Now, I’m pretty stoked over the bold moves Our Man has made in his first few days. I’m impressed.
New White House press Secretary Robert Gibbs reiterated the Obama administration’s commitment to overturn the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy on the website. No time table but pretty cool. The positive rhetoric in a number of Obama’s campaign speeches regarding gays and lesbians, particularly in the context of minorities was like a lighthouse to us bleeding heart lefties. No, I’m not gay, but I welcomed it as evidence that our man sees the plight of the gay and transgender communities as a black and white civil rights issue.
Again, pun intended.
He’s so cool.
Broad and profound ethical, even moral implications. Precisely why government should abstain from any involment or policy here. Our military will neither discriminate nor favor any group based on ethnicity or sexual orientation. You hypocritical conservatives who pine for smaller and less involved government must have blown expensive post lunch single malt out of your cake holes over this one.
Obama reversed the “Mexico City Policy” as well. First enacted by Reagan, it prohibits any family planning organization that recieves American money from offering abortion services or abortion counseling. A really dumb Christian ethic to impose on third world countries. We should be bombing Africa with condoms and birth control pills.
Our man called it a “political wedge issue,” and said he had, “no desire to continue this stale and fruitless debate.” -CNN. Another move so disconcerting to the neo religious conservative dickheads, that they called for a man named Bob to to sponge their collective square pants.
Then there was this:
“As of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any other administration in history. If you are a lobbyist entering my administration, you will not be able to work on matters you lobbied on, or in the agencies you lobbied during the previous two years. When you leave government, you will not be able to lobby my administration for as long as I am president.” -Rachel Maddow
Wow. The collective pucker and panic over that one most likely impacted the carbon footprint of the entire beltway. There were some cries over Our Man’s near instant plea to bend the rules for a former Raytheon exec. he wants for Deputy Sec. Def. Campbell Brown got a little indignat and weepy over it but she would do well to realize that if this were Dumbya and friends, we wouldn’t ever have known about it in the first place. We still don’t know who was on Darth Cheney’s energy task force or even what they decided.
Limbaugh and O’Reilly quacked liked ducks and crapped like geese this week.
Bill O’Reilly had this to say:
“Besides his lack of experience, Panetta opposes many of the CIA’s anti-terror measures. He’s against any kind of coerced interrogation, wants the FISA overseas wiretap law repealed, and would completely disband the rendition program whereby the CIA sends captured terror suspects to be held and interrogated in other countries.
Without those tools, which former CIA Chief George Tenet and others say have been very effective in uncovering terror plots, the agency’s ability to disrupt potential attacks would be gravely damaged.”
There was more but I need to stop this fucking pinhead right there. George Tenet is a clueless, inept mouthbreather. No better than Mike Brown of Arabian horse fame and the former head of FEMA. You really want to keep your stock in a retard like Tenet instead of giving a smart accomplished guy like Panetta an initial benefit of the doubt? You sir, are an idiot. A buffoon. I suspect your penis barely functions.
Limbaugh pulled that little string and this gusher ensued:
A week after saying he “hope(s) he fails” about Obama, Limbaugh this week said, ”We are being told we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to grab our ankles…because his father was black, because he’s the first black president,we’ve got to accept this.”
I’m barely employed so I have very little to lose. I’m thinking I might move to Florida, discover the Human Shitsmear’s most favored eateries and rub my dick on everything he eats.
They are over. Both of them. Read my lips.
In the meantime, looks to me like he’s walking straight at it. His name is Barack Hussein Obama, he’s from Chicago by way of Hawaii and he’s not here to fuck around.
Drinks for my friends.