Archive for the ‘Black’ Category
From hell to breakfast
The talking heads were hard at it yesterday, pontificating on how Obama has yet to accomplish anything. This pisses me off for a number of reasons. Dumbya accomplished nothing good for the average middle class American in his entire eight years. All he did was consistently kick the feet out from under them. With the palm of his hand, he held skulls against any given surface and visited violent intercourse upon them dispassionately, save some boyish cowboy glee, from behind.
Yup, in the ass. Clearing brush and evildoers. Smokin’ em out. Fucking retard.
He smirked and smiled all Alfred E. Newman, chuckled and believed his retardedness to be anointed, appointed and ‘special’, to carry out such an awful and dastardly thing. God made him do it, as opposed to Cheney and the PNACs I guess.
I beg to differ.
The quintessential violent and clueless bully who turns out not to be so bad when it’s over. Except he’s dumb as a stick.
Oh, and President. Elected twice and all. By us and and all. Without prejudice and presence of mind and all. I mean President of the US of A. Dumb as a goddamn branch floating in a polluted river.
And all.
The clusterfuck that Obama inherited is arguably the worst any president has ever walked into. The blind partisan obstruction by Republicans is easily the most egregious in our history.
A wounded cur, sits and drools increasingly intrepid and malignant. Snarling and snotty and shrinking.
Still, she keeps barking and smacking. Protesting everything that moves. She just can’t stand anything that moves. Anything that moves. Oh, she can’t tolerate it. Kill it, she thinks, the vicious bitch canine trained to hate toddlers and grandmas and the disabled.
You know, not since FDR has any president walked into such a shitstorm.
Bear with me as this is entirely different, from FDR, or any other presidency ever. Waaay different.
Needless to say, FDR strode bravely into the worst of modern times. Still, he enjoyed near total congressional cooperation. At least to begin with. All on the same page, all willing to advance what needed to be done. Patriotism over partisanship. Few questions asked. Get this shit done. It was bad and in need of immediate repair. What follows is the golden phrase.
They worked together for the benefit of us all.
Our man faces the extreme opposite while enduring the same environment and circumstances. No cooperation. A stark and ugly deficit of good will. Twice as hard and he’s black. So six times as hard. This man is hoping for eight years and despite my lack of religion, God love him, his family and all of their souls. Godspeed, good luck and pancakes with peanut butter and syrup for each of their souls.
I say to you, you fucking go. You charge ahead and do as much damage and make as much difference as you can. Bring it. Show us your courage and we will fly your flag. I care less that you are our first black President than I do that you are MY first inspirational one. You speak to me and to we and it really could be you and me together. You may stumble, but as long as you get up, we will will be behind you. At your back. Wanting and hoping for the the same things.
Bring it and we will stay. I will. I will, you are stuck with me.
Fury, hatred and racism have once again become the dubious hallmark of the far right Christian wingnuts and an alarmingly malignant component of the generic conservatives and workaday GOP. The likes of Limbaugh and Hannity are so emboldened they simply lie these days. By what? Where does the courage come from? Why? Where do these fucks get off?
The public option has not the support of the majority they screech, it’s a government take over they wail. I watched Cornyn puke it up yesterday morning. He was lying. They lie. Over and over, again and again, on national television or whatever venue they happen to ass warm a seat in. The money for their re-election is a greasy pizza with shitty crust but plenty of cash cooked and delivered by the folks who own and control over 16 percent of our entire GDP.
Let me tell you something. Americans are goddamn dumb. Gullible.
You losers who eat this shit should be ashamed. Show up at the 7-11 after dark for your beef jerky and canned meat. Slim Jims and greasy food for dipshits and protein starved mouthbreathers. Watch your Springer and listen to your Hannity while you drive around in your ridiculous trucks feeling your genitalia are somehow more special than they should be.
Over two thirds of adult Americans want and wish for a public option. I don’t believe a president has ever been elected with as vastly voluminous a majority as the one in favor of a simple public option right now and today. It’s what we want. It’s so simple. But this is your government at work and it’s disgusting. One of the biggest businesses in the history of man. The precise and exact opposite is the truth and they know it as well as I and as well you should if you can afford to pay any attention at all. Without shame or conscience they just throw tires on the fire, so everyone can see the thick toxic smoke. Lie and lie, because that’s what they’re paid to perpetuate. No different than your bought and paid for Congresspersons and Senators.
If we do not get this, it will not be ok.
I’m really not holding my breath because the Democrats have been nothing but a lesson in how to suck so far without regard to future endeavors at all. Oh well. I’m a little drunk. Yer mama.
Drinks for my friends.
Odd as fuck
Life gets more and more strange and I thank the powers that be for that. I am grateful.
I’m not bored.
I sort of covet anarchy. I kinda like chaos. I’m a big drinker and like to burn one. Indeed, after a few glasses of gin, the wing of a plane can be achieved rather easily by a well packed bowl or two. Maybe a percocet or uh, oxycontin, when the Devil’s weed is unavailable.
I’m just sayin’. It puts me firmly in my thoughts. This blog fueled by gin only. Tanqueray ’cause it was on sale but I prefer Bombay Sapphire. I covet the bottle whether it be green or blue.
” ……..don’t doubt that the randomness of life is in some way synchronized with all the things that we don’t
understand about the universe. It’s what we do know that confounds us. All the while, what we don’t know blows us along. ” -Me
Now, as much as I favor the random, let me be clear, I’m not about violence. Violence confuses and disgusts me. Religion confuses and disgusts me as well. As does politics.
I need to be disgusted and confused. I like politics.
Let’s talk about what I like. Dean Wormer’s wife from Animal House is my original milf. I’m not sure why. She was dirty and somewhat sophisticated. Well, her and Robbie Chiappe’s mom, Pam. She was hotter than Georgia asphalt. Sucks that she’s probably in her sixties now. Oh, and Julie Newmar. Damn, all these women that I wouldn’t have known what to do with even if I had the chance, are old now. This concept really chaps my ass lately. Not fair.
I think it’s important to always have a jar of decent pickles in the fridge. Various cheeses including Bob’s Big Boy Bleu Cheese Dressing. I like white meat smoked turkey franks from Ballpark. A selection of gourmet mustards and no other brand but Best Foods Mayonnaise; Hellmann’s east of the Mississippi. Olives are good and so is a decent tapenade. Crackers. It’s important to have good olive oil and balsamic vinegar on hand.
Good God the right wing is fucking nuts. The more they marginalize themselves the more violent their tantrums become. Blind shithouse batshit. I’m completely confident in stating, with all rational conviction, that the underlying, indeed barely concealed catalyst, is nothing other than racism. They fear the pigmentation. They held with certainty the notion that neither a black man or a woman could be elected president and thus their brains were dashed and broken on the rocks of the emerging ethic of American progress.
It really is that simple. The truth is simply this bare. Stark. Austere.
It was one of the late night hosts who wondered how this ass clown Wilson from Sanford territory, was able to endure eight years of Dumbya telling him everything was just fine without losing his shit and then barking during a nationally televised address before both houses of congress, prime time. The obvious answer, it wasn’t a half black liberal president saying it. That and he’s a goddamn moron.
By far the largest concentration of Birthers reside in the South. Not so coincidentally, the least educated and most likely to be Republican region in America. Not all Republicans are hypocrites, but if you’re a hypocrite, you’re most likely a Republican, as the saying goes.
I really hate these pricks.
How much longer do we put up with this insanity?
Eddie Murphy said in 48 Hours to a bunch of backward ass country fucks, “I’m your worst nightmare, a nigger with a badge.”
That is precisely what’s afoot here at our Circle K. I’ve taken this tack before, but I’m starting to get really spooked. I mean instead of being appropriately embarrassed by Turret’s Wilson, many in the GOP are emboldened. Before this, we had screaming astroturfers strapped to the nines at town halls. Birthers, Deathers, Tenthers……each manifestation of racial hatred more ignoble and meretricious than the last.
Palin accuses the President of demonizing our troops on her facebook page for mentioning the cost of the war of no reason in his speech before congress. I thought it was solid irony. We spent this much killing people, why not spend next to nothing saving lives? I’m still hopeful they run this clueless hag in 2012. Oh, the burlesque. Please Santa, I’ll be real good ’til then. I’ll give up my two front teeth.
Glenn Beck, Fox news’ most pulchritudinous clown, the same dickhead who claims the levees were allowed to fail to cover up ACORN corruption, will be exploiting 9/11 in the most audacious of ways with his 9/12 project. A march on the Capitol and festivities funded by Dick Armey’s Freedom Works (charging as much as $10,000.00 a pop for participation) and co-sponsored by NARLO, a domestic terrorist organization that anticipates with zeal, a violent revolution against our government and secession leading to civil war. Joe “you lie” Wilson will be speaking along with crazies like Mike Pence and Jim DeMint. A clusterfuck of mental invalids. Astroturf at it’s most egregious.
Ever more frightening. Ever more ominous. Something wicked this way comes. I’ve gone from disgusted, to amused, to fearful. The climate gets indefatigably uglier and ever more maniacal. Death threats against the President of The United States of America are up over four hundred percent compared to the previous administration. Feel me?
“Its all building up to something,
Something that can be repeated with fire” -Pete Townshend
You see where I’m going with this. I’m wondering where it stops. Where does it end? Can it be thwarted and how? I really don’t know. The far right base shrinks as desperation blooms. The animal is wounded. Nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal in fear and cornered.
The hate train steaming under the guise of our first amendment is poised to do damage that can’t be undone. I’m confused and disgusted.
This is where we are. Happy 9/11 everybody.
Drinks for my friends.
The Domino Effect
I hardly know where to begin.
Just when I think the army of ignorant, mouth breathing retards who oppose all things Obama, consistently and without grace or agility and discrepant against their very own interests, cannot possibly get anymore hypocritically and incoherently shrill, well, they pull down their pants, run around screaming, shitting and pissing themselves.
Now these roundheads are encouraging their children to skip school on Tuesday to save their fragile minds from some evil socialist indroctination by the President of The United States. You can’t write this shit.
My old friend Gabby put it this way: “Don’t worry kids, Obama’s not gonna ask you to procreate or practice loading your 45s. He just gonna ask you to do your homework, which I guess from the conservative stand point, is a horrible thing. Ok, so all you Republican Kids, just go back to your unprotected sex and guns.”
-Gabrielle Birchack
Racism, ignorance, stupidity and fear are alive and well in America. It reminds me of leaving wet food as a treat for the warehouse cat at work, only to discover the bowl squirming and glistening with maggots the next morning. I remember my disappointment and nausea inducing disgust vividly. It was summer and I was a little saddened that my gesture had been so perverted by some of earths lowest creatures.
Well, it’s summer.
They would have us believe and likely believe themselves, that health care reform will:
1) Ration care, deny treatment to the elderly based on whether a government death panel deems them worthy and deserving. It will do neither. Um, by the way, health care is rationed rather egregiously in America today. Weeks, sometimes months for an appointment with your doctor if you have insurance. Automated phone voices instruct us that in the event of an emergency, meaning care is needed any more urgently than say, a month, hang up and call 911. The chances of your insurance paying for the specific treatment, prescription etc. that you and your doctor have agreed is most efficacious is as low as sixty percent in many cases. People have died and are dying as a result of the insurance company coming between patient and doctor.
Sounds like rationing to me. It’s not just the uninsured that are going bankrupt or literally dying. Sounds like death and or bankruptcy panels to me.
2) All illegal aliens, undocumented workers et al. will be automatically covered at our expense.
Guess what? They already are. They, as well as uninsured Americans go to an emergency room, as there are laws in all fifty states mandating that no one be turned away from emergency rooms. We pay for it in higher costs across the board. It should be noted, there is no provision in any of the bills in committee, that provide for care to illegals.
3) This is just the first step in a government take over of health care.
My first reaction is so what? We’re the only modern industrialized nation without it and the wealthiest. Contrary to the opposition’s chronically mendacious bloviating, those people in those other countries are quite happy with the care they receive. Perfect? No. Would they choose to do without it? In a word, nofuckingway. Then, the fact that Medicare and Medicaid are tremendously popular in this country, despite both programs being entirely administrated by the government and the appearance that most of the opposition are willfully ignorant of this, reveals the argument to be specious on it’s face.
They use Stephen Hawking as example of someone who would never survive socialized medicine, despite socialized medicine being the best and only reason Mr. Hawking is still with us. They are full of shit. Idiots. Empty blowhards. Liars.
The stated goal is to increase efficiency and foster competition to bring down costs and end the chronic, unchecked avarice of the insurance and drug industries.
Every year, insurance company profits go up, premiums go up and the the number of insured goes down. Remember, one way or another, despite the rampant suffering, it’s you and me who pay for those uninsured whether we like it or not. Some estimates have the price of health insurance requiring half the median income of Americans within ten years. Are you ready for $20,000.00 plus premiums?
4) We can’t pay for it.
I will admit, this perhaps their most legitimate protest. But first, I say to you who would tout it, so what? Remember Reagan spewing the nonsense of tax cuts to none other than our children during a period of double digit inflation, interest rates and unemployment? Remember your icon telling us that deficits don’t matter? So why do you care? Why all of the sudden are you so ardently in favor of fiscal responsibility? Why so vehemently concerned about the price our children will pay? I smell political opportunism. I smell hypocrisy. You folks stink of intellectual dishonesty. You folks reek of goddamn stupidity.
I’m a firm believer that increases in efficiency and a slim tax increase on those who’ve prospered so plenteously the last eight years will go a very long way towards funding a program that will improve the life of virtually every American. Failing that, let me say this very plainly, we could opt to spend somewhat less than the near trillion dollars we spend each and every year to kill brown people overseas. It’s just that simple. Kill less brown people and foment life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all of us, including the brown people.
The fact is, that without a robust public option to not only cover the 50 million who have fallen through the the cracks, but to obviate the greed and vacuum of compassion of the status quo, any “reform” legislation is antithetical and more than likely worse than nothing at all.
See, it will fail to incentivise competition and nothing will change. The simplest and most comprehensive as well as comprehensible way to do this is expand Medicare appropriately. A walk in the park.
As to the trigger idea that has surfaced of late, I’m calling bullshit on that. Ostensibly, it would give insurance companies a few more years to clean up their act before a public option would be implemented. It won’t work. The dirty greedy bastards will conduct business as usual at best, daring the powers that be to do what they haven’t been able to do for half a century anyway. A pretty safe bet on their part. At worst, they will go for broke, wring us all dry in the time allowed, take the money and run, much like the Bush administration and it’s corporate cronies did with everything including the war, leaving a gigantic mess, nearly beyond repair. For eight years it was open field running for the plutocracy under Dick-in-Bush. It’s insane to think they’d behave any differently under the same circumstances. These people care far less about you than your government and that’s a mouthfull.
The real reason for such virulent opposition to health care reform is that it is literally the first, and therefore most important, domino to be tipped. Should it lose it’s center of gravity, the horror show that is the great unwashed will be subject to any socialist whimsy we in the majority see fit to impose on their jingoistic, empty headed sloganeering asses.
We may choose to prevent bloody mass murders by over armed nut jobs by pressing for incrementally better gun control. No, we’re not interested in taking your fucking guns away, even though you dress ridiculously to kill defenseless animals. We may seek to at least make sure that creationism can’t be taught exclusively, but mandate that evolution at least be offered along side it. We may just, *gasp*, insist that gay people be treated fairly under all aspects of law, including marriage.
The prerogative to get all bold and righteous will be upon us.
We might legalize the demon weed, in order to tax it, better regulate it and keep it out of the hands of teenagers. Legalize hemp production and we’ve got oil, paper, textiles, plastics, even high protein food, all renewable in twelve weeks, no pesticides and no detrimental environmental impact whatsoever. We may push to stop imprisoning all non violent drug offenders because we currently incarcerate more people per capita than any country on earth at $30k per. You can bet we’ll pursue green industry more aggressively because even if we’re wrong about global warming, and we’re not, there’s nothing wrong with cleaning up the water we all drink and the air we all breath.
Our sun vomits more energy in an hour than we use in a millennium. Might as well work that shit. It’s free beyond the technology to collect it.
The whole human race can survive without war.
The churches will have to endure a renewed and vigorous scrutiny. The message will be, get the hell out of and stay the hell out of politics or your considerable largess will be taxed. Oh, and maybe, just maybe some real and actual campaign finance reform. I’m getting carried away here but I hope I’ve scared the living shit out of all you neocons and thoughtless, unpatriotic, yes unpatriotic, dittoheads and obsequies followers of Hannity, Beck and O’Reilly. Let’s be honest, you’re already scared shitless because a half African American, progressive Democrat is your President.
We know why you show up to town halls armed to the teeth. It’s because you’re stupid and scared. We’re not at all impressed.
The opposite also applies, should the first all important domino fail to be moved off it’s axis by the will of the people and a pantywaste full majority Democratic administration, any subsequent metaphorical monoliths will be twice as hard to encourage toward a capitulation to gravity. We will be left with an administration weaker than that of Jimmy Carter and a better than even chance our next president will be some empty headed dipshit like Sarah Palin or crazy eyed Michele Bachmann (God will have whispered in her ear).
This is the first fight and it’s the most important because of the obvious and enormous precedent. They know it on a sub-genius level almost as well as we do. Get involved. Contact your representatives, sign petitions. You want change you can believe in? Get up and get out. This is no time to fuck around.
Drinks for my friends.
Why is Obama allowing him self to be so humiliatingly chumped by empty suits like Chuck Grassley? I’m hoping it’s political rope a dope and Grassley will soon wake on the canvas, the taste of his blood in his mouth.
Fingers crossed, boys and chicks.
I’m betting on it. Think a knuckle dragging moron like Chuck Grassley is any match for our President? Don’t forget the guy you elected is whip smart. Made the Clintons look Fisher Price and McCain was Play Doh. Five or six moves ahead. The entire GOP will be crying in front of their friends by the time the leaves begin to fall.
Wanna know how I know? Unwitting pawns showing up to town hall meetings wearing AR15’s. A shrieking right wing media. The paranoia is palpable. The Secret Service could easily expand the perimeter to a mile or more at the behest of the White House and that would be that. Ask yourself why that hasn’t occurred and a correct answer affords you a glimpse into what is really happening here. When the day is done, if meaningful health care reform is not passed and signed, the entire GOP will be left to suffer the slings and arrows of their own outrageous demise.
They will be forced to filibuster, actually filibuster. Bring on the cots and porta-potties. Coverage will be live and through the night while ass squeaking octogenarian obstructionists are forced to ramble ad nauseum for the purpose of keeping the poor and middle class from accessing what should be their right in a country so rich, a society so advanced. This, after every opportunity to entertain compromise has been offered and then scorned.
What we see unfolding here is analogous to the sixties civil rights movement. The guns. The shrill psychopathy I pray not the violence. It is the old guard Republicans resisting change and what is right with lies, deceit and power whatsoever they are able to bring to bear. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
I may be wrong, but when the talking heads gasp and wonder at what the White house is up to, when they all scratch their collective crowns at the the strategy or lack thereof, I’m hoping hard it is this. I’m hoping this administration and it’s super intellectual brain trust is allowing this pot to boil over on the stove because they understand that the only way real change comes is through this brand of passive violence. Political judo.
I pray it is so.
Today, former Homeland Security honcho Tom Ridge, from a book to be released September 1st, finally cops to the fact that terror threat levels were subject to political manipulation by the White House and the DOJ. Um, no shit. Thanks for your candor, you spineless coward. Somebody get this man a Presidential Medal of Freedom. I mean, Tenet, Franks and Bremer got one. It’s only fair, clearly commensurate…….
In other news, John Ensign deems himself morally superior to Bill Clinton because he broke no laws. Remains to be seen. Hold your breath. Former House Majority Leader, felony indicted and architect of K street, Tom DeLay, announced his new gig on dancing With The Stars and called for Obama to produce a birth certificate. We also learned that Cheney’s secret CIA assassination program was to be outsourced to the notorious Blackwater. Keystone fucking Cops.
Oh, and today Karl Rove in a Wall Street Journal op-ed called for an apology from The New York Times and The Washington Post saying, “Judging from the evidence released, [the committee] uncovered facts that show that my role in the U.S. attorneys issue was minimal and entirely proper.” My advice to the periodicals in question? Invite Mr. Rove to piss up a goddamn rope. And maybe request a sample of whatever he’s smoking. Rove is as filthy as a half melted plastic doll discovered in a native American fire pit. His hubris blocks out the sun. His mother sucks cocks in hell.
Man I hate these guys. Even after they’re gone, a pungent, greasy slick glistens on the surface of our water.
Then, my beloved Jon Stewart has Betsy McCaughey, propagator of the “death panel” schadenfreude and big medical industry shill, as a guest and subsequently shellacs her like a bar stool missing a leg. A premature halt is called so we may watch the entire charade unedited online. Brilliant. We loves us some Daily Show. What the hell was she thinking? Oh, the shameless cuntiness.
You just can’t make this shit up.
And it goes on and on and on.
Drinks for my friends.
Do The Right Thing
Fuck me.
So there was this piece on CNN tonight about how Michelle Obama has a chance to alter the stereotype of black women as overwieght, loud and ignorant. Guess what footage they used? Eddie Murphy as his fat obnoxious wife, Rasputia, in “Norbit”.
How lame is that?
I share with you that I’ve dated black women and I’m in a relationship with a black woman and how that stereotype isn’t one I even understand, but what I want to know is, how many of you clueless cracker mouth breathers buy this shit?
Did I mention our new First Lady is the epitome of poise and dignity? Crazy smart and in possession of wisdom and composure beyond her years? Our fortune is not merely about the man.
And, she’s hot.
Fuck you CNN.
Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing”.
A review. An assessment.
An analysis. Bitch. Oooh.
Excellent film.
Mookey, played by Spike Lee, is far from stupid. He chooses the path of least resistance consistently. Willfully ignorant. A pussy. Not a bad guy, but plagued by his own weakness. Lead antagonist in a movie full of them. Angry?
Yep. No legitimate malice. His circumstances are his own.
Sal, Danny Aiello’s character, ultimately plays bitch to his pride instead of his obvious capacity for compassion.
Sal’s internal conflicts shaped as metaphorical characters and played by his two sons. Each is a side of the war inside him. An ugly day in the life. He’s not necessarily a bigot but circumstances keep piling on. Eventually he is presented with a choice and blows it. Instead of doing the right thing, he chooses the wrong thing and chaos blasts through like a tsunami.
Mookey makes a choice at least as pregnant with bad circumstances and events descend into a maelstrom.
What Lee took pains to show us is the difference between doing the right thing and ignoring it. At the onset of the defining conflict, Sal could have merely invited the dipshit antogonist to bring some pictures of black heros for the wall. At the behest of one black customer, but a gesture everyone from the block would have welcomed, regardless of color or ethnicity.
It’s a moment that hangs briefly and then rolls from one unfortunate escalation to another. Hard to watch as Lee does his level best to show us how it can happen and how ridiculous it often is. In the end, the Korean grocer plays by example. He tells the angry mob sincerely that he is black, just like them, and they understand. His life and business are not demolished in front of his eyes.
The scene defines the the movie and the message as much as any other. Sal on his corner for decades and the Koreans across the street for less than two years. Reactions dictate fate. Life goes on. Sal loses.
Powerful stuff.
My hero is Ozzie Davis. “The Mayor”. The Mayor embraces humility just after saving a boy’s life by risking his own. He sees what’s coming and does the best he can. The protagonist is Sal. As innocent as a man can be in a morality play such as this. Same as Mookey, until the end of the film where they both fail spectacularly. The antogonist is the neighborhood, the police and racism from every side.
The antogonist is a malaise.
The catalyst is the heat.
It’s a fascinating film that looks like a play. It is a play. I became a Spike Lee fan today.
My girlfriend who just happens to have her ethnicity enhanced by blackness, you know, African, says this, “Spike played the character Mookey and that’s one letter different than Monkey -Spike Lee is annoyed by the willfully ignorant black man.”
Then she tells me something far more interesting. She tells me Our Man’s chances of achieving what he has would have been substantially reduced were he a descendant of slaves and the product of black mother and white father. She tells me this would have been a result of the way he saw himself and of little consequence in the way we saw him.
How interesting is that? That’s racism. The hidden, ugly, pervasive head thereof. Damn. A special brand of vulgar.
Makes it obvious we’re not even close.
Still, beauty to be had. America has chosen a liberal black man to lead us. We didn’t choose him because he’s black. We chose him because he looks to be our best chance.
Begs the question, what’s next?
So many Americans aren’t ready for this. It’s my guess the midwest has shat itself, if only from confusion. I’m hoping the rednecks have crapped themselves moistureless and moved on to iced coffee and some goddamn sense. You don’t have to order a bagle or a muffin. You can have toast.
Forgive me, but I worry. We need to sail over the torpor and wash it it out of our mouths. Spit out any violence. Everybody. Not just us. All of us. Look at me. All of us.
Conventional wisdom seems to have out shouted cognitive dissonance. Nice.
From your heart try to be respectful at least once or twice. Sometimes it gets heavy. Trust me I have.
Do your best. Walk right out into a brand new day.
Stop being such pussies.
Drinks for my friends.
The age of reason
“Say baby, do you wanna lay down with me?
Say baby, do you wanna lay down by my side?
Baby, do you wanna lay down with me?
Say baby
Say baby
Say baby, do you wanna lay down with me?
Say baby, do you wanna lay down by my side?
Baby, do you wanna lay down with me?
Say baby
Say baby” -Primus
The day is upon us.
You woke this morning and by days end, the world will be different.
Regardless of the result, history will happen to us all.
I’m just trying to get some pot so I can watch the returns in SENSURROUND.
I can’t help it. I’m all aflutter. Veklempt even.
It goes without saying that if you don’t vote today, I’ll come down your chimney and stab you in the eye with a rusty fork.
If you’re a good Democrat, a responsible progressive or an honest liberal and you somehow manage to avoid the polls today, I will blind you with my fork and turn that fork on your car. Your rootbeer colored Ford. If I have time and enough mud, I’ll crap at your main entrance. I will leave a pile or nothing at all.
If you’re a dipshit conservative mindless Republican, I’ll be by tomorrow with muffins and juice. After all, that’s your day to vote because you’re so goddamn special and elite. Yes, just avoid November Four, the day my rent becomes delinquent. You’re a member of the ruling class. Who would deny someone of your stature a little next day action? No lines. No hassle.
Just sit this one out. Seriously. You’re not needed here. Not this time. We’re fine without you. You’re covered. No one will know. Don’t risk the hair on your knuckles.
My apologies. I had every intention to impart a sober and thoughtful message.
Finnegan begin again.
***CNN has just projected Barack Hussein Obama as the next President of The United States***
Salty water spills down my face and over my shit eating grin.
What we have here is a successful communication. The real deal. A man who’s intentions are good. Strong and confident. Steady. Calm. Intelligent. Resolute.
What we have here is a lanslide. A majority, an aggregate of Americans have spoken with a very clear voice. Resounding. Overwhelming. A mandate. We are saying we’ve had enough. Finally. En Masse. Finally.
I honestly don’t know what to say. Yep, the polls have been going our way, but it was such a long shot for so long. I’ve confessed before that I didn’t think he stood a snowball’s chance in a weapons foundry. Until this year, I had no reason to think I was wrong.
He just kept coming.
Then he impressed us. Over and over.
Instead of a mea culpa over Reverend Wright, we received a most sensitive and scholarly treatise ever afforded a national audience on the subject of race. Delivered by a man half black, in a way that compelled every thinking man to think.
It’s not that I didn’t like him. I just didn’t think he had a chance and I was overly protective of my political sensitivities. I can be fragile you know.
I was afraid America would come to covet a blowtorch after the seas we’ve been forced to sail. A firebrand blowhard capable of nothing but recklessness.
True to form, we flirted with disaster. A cranky old man on the verge of dementia and a woman so ill prepared as to force prominent stalwarts of her own party to flee braying nonsense with fear and confusion in their eyes.
Could the blackhats possibly have fucked this up any worse?
It’s Comedy.
Comedy is not pretty.
Good comedy is always ugly. Always. Always funny as fuck though.
The eve of hope. Not merely hope, but anticipation. We now expect and have the right to anticipate change. A change in the way the world sees us. With luck, a change in the way we see ourselves. Not red or blue. Not clinging to one ideology while in disgust of another. A collective of independent Americans with a common concern for the welfare of us all.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Fucking A.
A triumph over racism, bigotry and ignorance. Arms wide open. Instead of a step, how about a running jump? Perhaps a little too awesome?
We need to make it an aspect of our culture that he who would harbor unfounded bias be ashamed and shunned. This, so the rest of us can get on with it.
America will never be one. Not one thing. Not one idea. Not one people.
Having said that, it’s not so exclusive for us to move in concert. Tonight is proof. There is a considerable chasm between nationalism and patriotism. We have moved together to refute the bullshit visited upon us for the last eight years. The American people are done with this shit. THIS SHIT. Is over.
The numbers are formididable. Decisive. Impressive.
It is time for patriotism. It is one thing to vote for the man. It’s entirely another to stand behind him. Time to get on your feet people. The worst is yet to come and resting on your knees won’t do.
There will be a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate. There will be a Democratic President. The window to turn things around opened today. It could close in a mere two years if we’re not careful. Understand, this victory only guarantees a seat at the table. We will be allowed to play. We will have some juice. That is all.
We must play well and with purpose. Change will commence once we’ve held our own for a few seasons.
I’m rambling. What I’m trying to tell you is that nothing ends today. Everything starts. Now is the best time to be not an individual, but an American. It begins today.
“Ill walk right out into a brand new day
Insane and rising in my own weird way
I dont want to be the bad guy
I dont want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
I just want to feel some sunshine
I just want to find some place to be alone” -Everclear
What has happened here is the best man won.
Yes, he’s black.
He didn’t win because he’s black.
He won despite being black.
He kept the color of his skin from being an isssue by making it about the content of his character.
Here’s the deal. He’s so fucking cool.
Drinks for my friends.
American eyes
I’m a proud American. I’m a patriot. Love it or leave it. Don’t you dare criticize. What other reason could you possibly have for objecting to wiretapping and surveillance unless you got something to hide?
Hell, I ain’t worried.
Like I said, I’m a patriot and I love my country.
Fisa can blow me, it always goes south when appointed judges stick their progressive dicks in it. Liberal judges legislating from the bench are not needed in these circumstances. Our government is just trying to protect us. It’s what they do. It’s what they’re there for.
If you can’t trust them, who can you trust?
Liberals need to relax while patriots can feel good about it.
Sure, I smoked a little dope when I was younger, beat up the occasional sissy. That was years ago. I’m a Born Again, so I love everybody now. I say let people do what they want. Within reason. Less government.
Dangerous times call for extreme measures and there’s no more dangerous times than now. The Arabs and the terrorists hate us for our freedom and want to kill us. Islam is a violent and hateful religion. They’re all crazy, you can’t talk to them. Fucking ragheads. Why don’t they just leave us alone? What did we ever do to them?
If it ain’t Communism it’s some Godless sandnigger religion. They say Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. It wouldn’t suprise me. He’s the most liberal member of the Senate you know. He’s friends with terrorists who would kill our own. Sounds to me like he’s one cousin removed from hating America.
What are people thinking? A black Muslim terrorist for President? Over my dead body. It’s why there’s that amendment that let’s us keep our guns. He wants to spread the wealth and that’s socialism. It’s pinko. Every American has the same opportunity, depends on what you do with it.
God created us equal, it says so in the Bible.
Don’t come to me if you’re a crack smoking welfare mom. I work. Don’t cry to me about your son getting involved in gangs. Get him a job. Put his ass to work. I work for a living.
Some of my good friends are blacks. Nice people but I didn’t own them or beat them. What do they want from me? It just so happens, they’re black and I’m white. It’s like I should regret being caucasian. Why should I feel guilt for the way I was born?
If you ask me, the only way to solve the mess is to nuke the whole Godforsaken region. Turn all that sand into glass. Iran too. Let God sort ’em out. Trust in God.
Goddamn right we need change. We’re in a real crisis. Mexicans stealing our jobs. Outsourcing. Fuckin gas through the roof. Liberals want to blame the white man. The American businessman. Good honest Christians who are being taxed and regulated to death for just trying to make a buck and go to church on Sunday in decent clothes.
Leave these people alone so they can create jobs and save this country. They are heroes. They deserve and need that tax break.
All these foreigners need to speak American. Say the Pledge every day including “under God” and respect our God, the one this great nation was founded on. A Christian God.
Why is that too much to ask? A little respect, you know? This is the greatest country in the world. Take off your hat and put your hand over your heart when our anthem gets played.
Call me a redneck, I don’t care because maybe that’s what I am. I love my country and I love Jesus Christ. He was a carpenter you know.
I gotta tell ya just because “Joe The Plumber” isn’t a plumber and his name’s not Joe and he can’t afford to buy the business he works for, doesn’t mean he isn’t Joe Sixpack and a regular American with the same problems we all have.
The Bible says an eye for an eye and that’s why abortion doctors sometimes reap what they’ve sown. I don’t condone it but I understand. Even if it’s rape, it’s not up to us to decide. I mean, a life is a life. The bible says so. Unless of course, if that life has taken another, or sold dope, or is a traitor or a terrorist. Face it, what better deterrent is there than the death penalty?
People should understand that we’ll kill them if they screw up in America. Justice should be swift and mighty. Every war, including this one we’re in now, is for justice and truth and democracy. Even when it’s really hard, America does the right thing. Always.
You know, W. is a good man. He made a few mistakes. All Presidents do. Nobody’s perfect. He cares about us. I feel it. He’s a good man. I’d really like to have a beer with him. I bet he’s friendly and regular. Cheney’s a little spooky but he’s just the brains of the operation.
So whatever about the gays. It’s a choice and there are consequences. We all pay a price for bad decisions and that’s one of the great things about America. Accountability. No way will this American stand for faggots who want to soil the Christian institution of marriage. It’s holy and sacred. Can’t you people just leave it alone? What difference could it possibly make in their lives and their futures?
It’s a symbol. That’s why they want it so bad. It’s just silly.
Show me a homosexual and I’ll show you a liberal. Wanna bet?
It’s like they think it will make them legitimate somehow. Uh, not in the eyes of this patriot.
In a lot of ways, it’s like the French. We saved their asses in The Big One. What have they ever done for us besides sneer and act like we’re bullies and brutes? Overcharge us for wine and cheese. Ingrates. Why do we bother?
Those countries that sell their oil to the Chinese instead of us; it might be time to introduce them to the United States Navy.
McCain fought to save us from communism. He’s got my vote because he’s a genuine hero. This Sarah Palin is sassy and real and they’re both mavericks. I like that. I don’t care how smart Obama is. That’s not was this is about. I’ve always been suspicious of book learning as opposed to street smarts. This guy Obama eats arugula and fish eggs. He went to Harvard. I think his wife did too.
Tea with a pinky out.
By the way, Michelle Obama has been ashamed of America. Only recently proud. Can you believe this shit? Now what does America, the best country in the world, have to be ashamed of?
You know what else bothers me? What does it say to the rest of the world if America elects an African American Muslim for President? The world respects us. We are the example. America is the bar. There’s a ton of responsibility there and we’re gonna be held accountable.
The one thing I can agree with the liberals about is the idea that this country has it’s head in the shitter.
We can’t afford this second guessing and insecurity when it comes too choosing our leaders. A man with over two decades in the Senate. A man who’s crashed four airplanes and is still with us. A woman who shoots moose. A woman who’s been both Mayor and Governor of the wilderness. Both these Americans are patriots.
A woman who doesn’t break a sweat while spending more than twice what most American’s make in a year on two months worth of clothes. She wants to look good for us.
A man who’s not afraid to call his wife a “cunt” in public.
Drinks for my friends.