Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category
A gore festooned bill of health
The latest figures indicate that the fiercely embattled public option will cover a mere two to three percent of the currently uninsured and the CBO says premiums will most likely be somewhat more than current market price. Sounds like a wash to me. Sounds like the sucking of a drain. This whole thing is so fucking ridiculous. Smoke and mirrors, dogs and ponies. You can bet your ass, along with your lunch money, with those kinds of numbers, the whole thing is doomed to failure.
Spruce Goose bitches.
It will flop like Gerald Ford coming down the steps of Air Force One but it won’t ever get up again, at least not in my lifetime.
Good job everybody.
The only customers it’s poised to attract will be our sickest and least likely to succeed. No prom kings or queens here. Bottom of the gene pool, unhealthy, lowlife, walkin’ the dog saps. So it will be fiscally overburdened by virtue of our lowest common denominator and our last shot as the richest nation on earth to provide health care for our citizens will probably not even enjoy another attempt for at least half a century. Good job Democrats, you fucking pussies and even better job Republicans you obstructionist, plutocratic, avaricious, disingenuous, lying pieces of self serving shit.
I really hate you guys.
Did I say that or just think it out loud?
Is there a difference?
Well, let me say this: Fuck, fuck, fuck, snot and mucus and bile and shame and fear and stupid and puke………
You, Joe Lieberman, who’s state is ground zero for health insurance HQ’s and who announced publicly the intention to filibuster the very debate, and you, John Boehner lay off the embarrassing spray on tan and you, Chuck Grassley you lying prick and you, Mitch McConnel with more chins than a Chinese phonebook and you, Max Baucus who can suck my caucus and you, Kent Conrad and you, Blanche Lincoln, you Democrats in name only………every single one of you has sold out the best and most important life or death interests of the American people in general and your own constituents in particular for what you know will line your pockets, get you you re-elected and is nothing more than a pack of aspersions, distortions and preposterous calumny.
Whomever the asshole was that declared health care reform to be Obama’s Waterloo, forgive me it was Jim DeMint, might just have been exactly right. I don’t care who you are, that there’s fucked up.
This party might just might be over.
Have you no shame? No decency?
Y’all negotiated and philandered, lied and decried, wrung your hands and whined like little bitches while thousands died and ended up with the pussy party (D), still being able to save face with a donut hole public option, the asshole party (R), still able to fool some of the people most of the time while still screwing them with an atomic fucking jackhammer that put them there and paid there salaries and benefits all of the goddamn time.
Sick. Fucking sick. Pun intended.
Everyone got what they wanted, what they imagined they needed, while the lobbyist pimps, four to one for every legislator, spent a million bucks a day to make sure they and their corporate sugar daddies maintained the status quo and everyone got paid. You and me excepted, of course.
Because a horse is a horse of course of course and what does that make a dumbass donkey?
Cigars and cognac all around.
Some one hundred and twenty two people die every goddamn day because they lack the insurance to pay for what is killing them and the naysayers would have us debate socialism. Government takeover. Bullshit. Not just a theater but an opera house, with excellent acoustics, of the shrill and reverberating absurd.
I’m needing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Seriously.
Some tomato soup.
Mission Accomplished. Major combat operations are at an end. It’s all over but the shouting.
If I did my job as well as you do yours, I wouldn’t have one. Either that or I’d be a CEO.
This health care bill, all 1990 pages of it is going to be such a charade, facade and so spectacular a bellyflop of POLITICAL PORNOGRAPHY, so profound and disgusting, that any chance of, or attempt at, meaningful reform in banking, civil rights, justice, execution and prosecution of wars, foreign entanglements, energy, food supply, federal aide, education, accountability by any bureaucracy, institution, agency, corporation or industry will be so stained and suspect and blood spattered from other more egregious crimes, that this administration, all it’s good intentions intact, will experience a serious faceplant and we will all have been complicit in climbing decades backwards.
There’s you and there’s me, rip off the mask and let’s see.
We’ll march I guess, with rotting teeth and stage four cancer and we’ll get coupons for nachos and Hostess products at the 7-11. They’ll sell those bacon wrapped franks along the quarter mile route. There will will be tents for the overexerted at the halfway point.
Watch your NASCAR and your World Series while the politicians dither away at your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By the way, I was more than happy to see the Phillies hand the the Yankees their ass tonight and did you see the wrecks on Sunday at Talladega? Nice that both Newman and Martin walked away. But by the time both contests are actually decided, your life or death fate will most likely be determined well in advance. If you are uninsured, it is likely you will remain uninsured. Categorize yourself as therefore fucked.
The irony of death panels is that it’s a reality here and now. The irony of health care rationing is that it exists and is practiced without compassion today. The irony of socialized medicine, which we have now via Medicare and Medicaid, is that no country that enjoys it would ever give it up, us included.
There is no irony about the lies and obfuscation. They are simply lies and and obfuscation.
The idea of single payer health care is among the most humane, compassionate and progressive notions ever implemented by modern states, governments and societies. It is growth and progress where the human condition and even evolution are concerned. After all, it does serve to affect the perpetuation of our species in a constructive way. To utilize a small portion of the proceeds from our labor and largess to care for the people who are responsible for it, is a profoundly good idea from the perspectives of either the often mutually exclusive concepts of morality and commerce.
It makes fucking sense.
At least pot is legal in LA.
Drinks for my friends.
So anyway… and contrast
A composition:
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is painfully obvious.
Republicans are greedy sociopathic reptiles who don’t give a mad fuck about their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Democrats are spineless douchebags, who lack the courage to get down in the mud and fight for their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Evidence being the massive ongoing struggle for any meaningful legislation despite significant majorities enjoyed by Democrats in both houses of congress. A pathetic, ridiculous and vulgar burlesque. Shameful and stupid but an attestation for Democrats being far more inclined to think for themselves or someone else as opposed to conventional party wisdom or lack thereof.
All on embarrassing and inept display.
Libertarians don’t care about anything, they just want commerce to flow. Anybody who wants to suck dick should be allowed with a particular deference to profit.
If you’ve been paying attention to the main stream media of late, you know that Republicans want to save us from socialism despite not understanding the concept, and Obama’s government lusts like a pizza faced adolescent army in neck braces or orthodontal head gear to takeover our health care so we can be killed off at their convenience.
Meanwhile, Republicans seek to kill pizza faced teenagers or adolescents in head gear for profit if possible.
Libertarians take no exception.
Responsible parents everywhere insist children wear helmets these days.
If you choose the contemporary Republican model, you see them as unrelenting right wing, neoconservative, intolerant evangelical Christian zealots who are afraid of anything homosexual or any other religion. You understand that they believe they know better while enduring a fusillade of common sense and science to the contrary. Book burning and creationism and the like.
Retards at the Roundtable. Scopes trial as blasphemy and all that.
I remember a time when what was contested was ideas, philosophy and policy. Discourse was just that. Polite and respectful. It was about issues. Then something happened. That something was William Jefferson Clinton. Far from perfect, but charismatic and smart as all get out. He presided over the longest period of economic prosperity America had ever seen. He left us with a massive surplus and a balanced budget for the first time ever.
We were cookin’.
The Republicans though, they did hate. They began to investigate. Afraid Bubba was Jesus, a special prosecutor named Kenn Starr was appointed to investigate Hillary’s real estate dealings while she was a member of the Rose Law Firm and they came up with dick. Pun to be intended. Nothing. Sand in hand they kept on…… and discovered Bubba got a blow job and so they impeached him. Never mind that it was none of our business. They spent tens of millions of dollars, more than on all investigating into the events of 9/11, to shine light on a Jewish woman unable to remove a stain from a dress.
First one ever I hear.
And that is really why we are where we are. It will all go down as the darkest and silliest period in American history. Yet it’s sordid smell means we are less likely to forget it than UFOs, Elvis or pick a disease. Let us hope the legacy will not be merely that of a cautionary anecdote, but rather a lesson about a forest instead of individual trees. Otherwise, America will not be America come one hundred years from now.
Tom DeLay is on dancing with the stars and it offends me. He’s paired with Cheryl Burke whom I think is the hottest thing since Georgia asphalt. Goddamn, the woman is gorgeous. Delay grins his lying rictus and looks as he has the breath of a sewer rodent. Creepy with a ‘K’. I really don’t like this guy and I’m a little jealous. Never watched the show and don’t intend to but that woman is one ripe gust of feminity
Share a smoke, Make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope
Words to memorize, words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise.
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I’m in your thighs
Oh my my my my my mo my mother
I would love to love you lover -Violent Femmes
Democrats are communist, anti constitution, caped crusaders who want to steal from anyone who has anything and give it to anyone who has nothing no matter how big of a loser the loser happens to be. I’m not really a Democrat but I tend to identify with them and that sucks on many levels. Giant dingbats who somehow manage to keep their self righteousness in place while failing at everything they attempt like pre-pubescent soccer players who get a trophy for simply showing up.
Democrats seem to “fail up”, almost as much as Republicans although not quite so deliberately. Max Baucus may be shocked to see the hand entirely up his ass and into his mouth via x-ray, but John Boehner would consider it as much business as usual as his spray on tan or morning knuckle and back shave. I fucking hate that guy.
They are different, Democrats and Republicans, but they are all still politicians. The qualities they share are a moral and ethical bankruptcy, a willingness to feast on or make a meal out of any cock connected to money, and an instinctual fondness for anything other than the absolute truth.
This is why reasonable reform of any kind, be it health care or of industries financial or military, is in perpetual jeopardy.
Nothing can change until we have reform for our system of campaigns and polling. Zero corporate money. None. Entirely financed by the electorate. Firm start and stop dates for campaigns and equal air time for candidates.
No meaningful change before that one.
Drinks for my friends.
Sicker than a dog
I’m not gonna look this up because it’s stuck in my head. Some 75% of Americans want health care reform anon.
This is about as popular an issue gets in America, as at least a quarter of us are retarded, misguided, rich or willfully ignorant. They kill horses don’t they?
I love that phrase. Willfully ignorant. I made it up for my own self but it’s a likely coupling so I’m sure I’d read it somewhere, then one day I summoned and it became mine. Non exclusive of course.
Yet congress and their convoluted committees scramble, and media is so complicit it’s pissing kerosene onto the politics thereof as opposed to shining the spot on the humanity of it. How important it is for the individual as well as the whole. An equitable system in the world’s richest country and the only one without it. The promise of helping the economy and by giving the middle class a little more discretionary cash by simply reducing what it costs to protect a family.
Now that’s a tax cut.
Taxing the rich. Yep, they that had largess heaped upon by the last administration might now be called upon to put a little paper in the pot instead of nickels and slugs. Oh my God it’s socialism! You people are killing me. Teabaggers and racists. Stupid is as stupid does.
Big important stuff that is nothing more than a goddamn pinata on the nightly news. They are creating a degree of drama that is understandable given the short attention span proscenium beneath which they are forced to enact and pontificate, but this shit is important and their looseness with the football is inexcusable.
What the fuck is going on here? Ratings and revenue. Our own damn fault at the end of the day.
It never stops being about our own stupidity.
I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The tremendous pressure brought to bear on already spineless elected bureaucrats behind virtually the same proscenium. Again, the asshats in Congress playing inexcusably loose with the ball.
Four lobbyists for every elected member of the legislative branch. Three quarters of the people wanting what they don’t understand will be a bloody beatdown on industries from insurance to pharmaceutical. The big boys besides energy and military industrial. The Democrats pissing themselves. A signpost ahead. No Walking In The Park.
I need to wade in and study the minutiae further but we don’t really have a bill yet. I was hoping to read a bill. Maybe it’ll be less substantial than an Elmore Leonard novel. Hoping for a thickish pamphlet.
This is huge and so are Obama’s balls. He’s pushing a big pile out there after just sitting down. They make him work for it. I confess I have yet to see tonight’s press conference. Didn’t pay the cable bill.
This Clintons saw their clocks cleaned over just such calumny decades ago and the beast has gained muscle and influence ever since. The gravity of this specific issue is almost immune to underestimation for anyone who pays attention. If Obama manages to prevail here, his wizardry will be all but unavoidable. At his command will be the attention and affection of America’s heart along with her best and brightest.
Should he be bested and lose this contest, the path for him to accomplish any other important thing will be much steeper and traction much harder to come by. I worry because so much is out of his hands.
This is bigger than you know. Support your President. He is showing you courage and fortitude. Just because you voted for him is no reason for you to think your job is done. Civic duty and patriotism are an American imperative.
“Walk right out into a brand new day
Insane and rising in my own wierd way”
-Art Alexakis from Everclear’s “Santa Monica”
Drinks for my friends.
Hey macarena…….
My problem is with the shape of Norm Coleman’s head. That and his giant teeth. A thin lipped rictus framing nightmare white tombstones. I’m so hoping that despite what Franken said yesterday, he’ll wade in and stir shit up. Please. He is painfully bright, a math jock at Harvard and very funny. The long standing rivalries between him, Bill O’Reilly and the Human Shitsmear Limbaugh, are enough for me to sponsor him for Crew Chief of all he would survey. His colon is clean. He is not full of shit.
Word to Obama and the all the pantywaste Democrats. You are out of excuses. You now have a filibuster proof majority. If we don’t get health care, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the lobbies of AIPAC, insurance, the military industrial complex, energy and financial put in their respective places………..well then we’ll know for sure that the only difference between Democrats and Republicans is balls and spine.
Get something done. Get anything done. Or you suck and don’t deserve the opportunity we the the people afforded you.
The elephant = evil + balls and some vertebrae. The donkey = a few good intentions – any vertebrae and any sack whatsoever.
The math is that simple. The swirl of rhetoric around Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is disgusting. Man up. Show us a little something. Make it so number one. This is litmus 101. If you can’t do this, given solid public support, we will doubt you. Break hard to the left and run the damn ball, I for one am tired of waiting. Show me goddamn it.
Time to come to Jesus, you so far worthless candy asses. I am not impressed.
Is it complacency on the the part of liberals because there is no longer a a Cheney or Bush in the room with knife in hand? I doubt it. It’s mitigating but there is a preposterous malaise on Democrats that can can only be described as vaginaness. Fucking pussies. I really hate this about Democrats. They’re all about it until it’s time to accomplish. There is always a thousand reasons not to do something and then there is the single right reason to do it.
Meanwhile, Sarah Palin claws at relevance like a woman scorned. Just lately she sorta challenged Obama to a foot race. I’m sure by now you’re aware of the conflagration between her and Letterman. Methinks she did protest too much and in so doing, audaciously yanked her daughters into the harsh light of scrutiny she so immodestly decried.
A degree of charisma, otherwise stupid and bereft of common sense as well as humility. Can’t completely blame her, she was a snowball’s chance in a foundry by the notion she might warm the leather in that elliptical of all offices one day. Yeah right. Like installing Dumbya’s retarded sister. See how I loathe? She’s paper thin. She disappears at ninety degrees off axis. The epitome of grandiose insincerity. What bothers me is how dumb she is. Forgive me but she is a stupid cunt.
Big bag full of mashed up jack ass right there. -Keith O.
“I remember as it were a meal ago”
“Said Tommy the Cat as he reeled back to clear whatever foreign
matter may have nestled its way into His mighty throat.
Many a fat alley rat had met its demise while staring point
blank down the cavernous barrel of this awesome prowling machine.
Truly a wonder of nature this urban predator.
Tommy the cat had many a story to tell,
but it was a rare occasion such as this that he did.
“She came slidin’ down the alleyway like butter drippin’ off a hot biscuit.
The aroma, the mean scent, was enough to arouse suspicion in
even the oldest of Tigers that hung around the hot spot in those days.
The sight was beyond belief. Many a head snapped for double
even triple, takes as this vivacious feline made her her way into the
delta of the alleyway where the most virile of the young tabbys were
known to hang out. They hung in droves. Such a multitude of
masculinity could only be found in One place… and that was
O’malley’s Alley. The air was thick with cat calls (no pun intended)
but not even a muscle in her neck did twitch as she sauntered up into
the heart of the alley. She knew what she wanted. She was lookin’
for that stud bull, the he cat. And that was me.
Tommy the Cat is my name and I say unto thee…
Say baby do you wanna lay down by me” -Primus
Drinks for my friends.
We hardly knew ye?
Today the DOJ, in support of the DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act), issued a brief using language invoking pedophilia and incest, eerily reminiscent of the vituperation vomited by the religious right ad nauseum since the dawn of the cerebral cortex.
Puns intended.
So much for change.
I don’t care if Obama was aware of this or not. The only acceptable action here is swift, unambiguous refutation. Obama and his administration need to get in front of this crap like yesterday. It’s not just bullshit, it’s madness. Best case scenario is Obama talking about this before I get out of bed. The time difference alone gives him a hell of a head start. Time to show me something Mr. Fierce Defender.
Let this pass at your peril. Hope will turn to doubt.
While we’re on the subject of Our Man, I was none too thrilled by the glaring omissions in his remarks in front of the AMA today. It was a good speech, but no substantive reckoning that big pharma and big insurance are hopelessly infected by avarice and therefore ground zero for reform and regulation. No mention of what an inefficient, bureaucratic clusterfuck the FDA is. These items are at the very root of the problem and no reform has a chance at efficacy without force being brought to bear on them.
Blowing up balloons with holes in them.
The sad truth lies in the why. Along with the AMA, pharmaceutical and insurance companies are championed by some of the biggest and most influential lobbying cabals in Washington. If there were stars on K street or Pennsylvania Avenue like Hollywood Boulevard, two thirds of them would be dedicated to these filthy bastards. For all you sniveling morons who live in such fear of communism, here is a bonafide Red Menace for you.
Welcome to the plutocracy. This thing is way bigger than just stubborn Republicans.
Along with energy, campaign finance reform and the military industrial complex, these are the windmills I expect Our Man to be tipping. That’s why I voted for him.
We loves us some Bill Maher. Maher said the other night in his New Rules segment: “…..I’m glad that Obama is president, but the “Audacity of Hope” part is over. Right now, I’m hoping for a little more audacity”.
Me, I’m looking for those balls of zirconia I thought I glimpsed on the campaign trail. Dude, please don’t Jimmy Carter us.
Remember how I was pissing and moaning about pumps on lotion and soap bottles not long ago? Well, for the record, adding water to any of the soap dispensing ones is pretty viable.
Sometimes I think all Americans are either corrupt or stupid. Often both, but rarely neither.
Drinks for my friends.
I just had to say
Forgive me for indulging yet again in the topic of the most singular contest of the day, but the news is a little slow and I needed to point out that McCain is waltzing with the Devil and he sucks at dancing in three.
Doubtfire accuses Our Man of naivete by disparaging his advice to keep your car properly tuned and your tires at pressure.
It makes sense. Three or four percent savings off the top. Immediately. Good answer.
It is the most honest short term solution that has been uttered thus far. Like sixteen cents a gallon right now.
The Bootlicker would mock our man for this. Passing out tire pressure gauges with “Obama’s Energy Plan” printed on them. Clueless dickhead.
Our man had this to say, “It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant,†-CNN
McCain likes to talk about Obama not favoring nuclear power. A “zero emission” energy resource, he’d have you believe.
Bullshit. We still have no idea what to do with the waste. It occurs to me that the most indefectibly toxic, and therefore deadly waste known to humans, waste we have no place to put, renders the zero emission argument way bogus.
Until we figure out what to do with nuclear waste, it’s a spectacularly dumb idea.
The pasty little bastard would also have you believe because Our Man opposes anything but the most limited offshore drilling, he’s an elitist who doesn’t feel your pain.
See, here’s the deal, no matter how much oil they find off our coasts, it won’t amount to dick for a decade and not fuck all even then. McCain was in opposition to more domestic drilling than had already been approved until last month, when he changed his mind.
That’s “flip flopped” in the accepted journalistic vernacular.
Guess what happened next?
His campaign contributions from big oil went up by five hundred percent. Oil is down about fifteen percent as of today. Go figure.
He released an ad today by the way. In that ad, nestled in a basket among half a dozen other spurious proclamations, is the assertion that he has and will continue to stand up to big oil.
This guy is full of shit. He’s got nothing so he’s starting to lie. He’s not here to fuck around. He tossing tactical nuke sized lies. Not mere falsehoods that smear his opponent. No. Lies that compromise his very own bad self. He’s a fool and he’s pitiful.
He’s a joke.
Beware The Ides of March Mr. McCain, lest ye be subject to the tyrannicide your would be predecessor and former adversary has so far escaped. His peril and that of his surrounding is far from decided.
Drinks for my friends.
I can’t stand it. It just goes on and on.
Notwithstanding reason.
Geniuses and Jack O’ Lanterns.
The issue is this.
The right tries so hard to call it murder. Ahem.
It is far more nuanced and organic than that. They only do black and white.
Mother Earth will ultimately decide the the fate of humankind. She will be fine. She will prosper. The Earth does not need us. All the Earth needs is the goddamn Sun. Last I heard, the sun is gonna be around awhile.
Earth may decide that humans are no longer compatible with her goals. Her ideals. No longer congruent with her plan for survival. In a time not far from now, The Earth might shrug us humans off. She might just heat up and burn us out.
If she does this, She’ll have decided we do more harm than good.
If she does this, She’ll have decided to save her life and that of all her other inhabitants.
Who can blame her?
Maybe we’ve been tolerated thus far because we advanced so rapidly. We emerged as a species so very capable. So bright and creative. We made art and beauty while either reaching out with compassion and concern to everyone, or raping, bombing and killing every civilization in sight.
We stormed her peaks, plunged her depths and polluted her lungs. She’s seen us kill on a scale that is both awesome and terrifying. In a mere few thousand years, we developed the ability to destroy just about every life she births and nurtures.
She is impressed. Not in a good way.
Earth doesn’t need your language. You need hers. It’s not as simple as humans not understanding. It’s as ugly as humans refusing to understand. Willfull ignorance.
Mother Earth may choose to abort us. It is certainly her right and obviously within her power.
The Earth is a Mother and it is her prerogative.
Men have no business passing laws governing a woman’s reproductive rights.
Any of you at this point desiring to invoke God should just shut the fuck up. My God is The Earth. In precisely the same way you do not wish to hear about my God, I’m not interested in hearing about yours. Fuck off. I think your’s is stupider by far, than mine.
It is my right to enter into a decision with a woman about our pregnancy as opposed to allowing a religion manufactured from convenience dictate our direction without regard to our lives.
The comedy is this. You that have so much faith, so much conviction that we are acting counter to the wishes of your God, why are you so unwilling to let your God decide?
Why are you so zealous as to kill doctors to prevent us from committing this “sin”? After all, your God will sort us out, wont he? If you believe so absolutely, what are you so worried about?
Is your faith so weak as to force a question about your God’s ability to keep us heathens in check? A question profound enough to force your hand to take it upon yourself? You will say that we imprison others in society who commit murder. We even murder them. I say your definition of murder is flawed and you’re not equipped to judge.
You do your cause no favors by vehemently opposing such basic science as evolution and stem cell research. You force the hands of us with a modicum of common sense to look at you as retarded. Overly enthusiastic, euphorically fanatical, idiots.
Isn’t it your God that would deny us access to Heaven for using condoms?
Some people are stupid enough to believe contraception is a “sin”. This in a time when the world has way too many humans. Some people are just fucking stupid.
Abortions will occur. With or without your consent. The rich will have them no matter what laws you’re able to pass. The poor will suffer. Ill equipped to even bring a baby to term. Unable to afford any prenatal care. From a practical perspective, I’m just looking to keep the coat hangers out of it.
Drinks for my friends.
The Lakers retire with a mouthfull of dirt……..
and they will wake up the same way. I started to bail at halftime. Did my homework. Turned on the sound, saw the score and walked away. Went back to ABC later to learn the final score was one thousand to six (131-92).
McCain shows up on Kimmel and the stick up his ass manages to actually whack him in the head a half a dozen times. It was wild. It just kept waving around. He was trying to protect his head but the poor bastard just kept saying stupid shit and a wooden cudgel emerged from his ass and kept beaning him on his skull with only fine grey baby hair to protect his softening pate.
It was more painful, and therefore funnier, than the game. I think McCain may have just jumped the shark. He holds his own against Stewart but Kimmel didn’t care. Sucker punched Doubtfire over and over. It was pretty awesome.
Watch Kimmel with the sound off, the first thing you notice is he never really opens his eyes. It’s disturbing until you turn the sound back on and he’s actually pretty funny. Kimmel and Pasty McSquinty share blood somewhere.
He pulled the tail off the Bootlicker but it’s no thing. McCain is amphibious, a salamander with miraculous powers of regeneration. By tomorrow morning he’ll have a new nub. By Sunday he’ll be swinging more in the back than in front.
Got Gore endorsing Our Man yesterday. Better late than never. He was waiting for Hills to walk. Politics tastes like dirt to him these days. I’ve been thinking about the cabinet lately. Time to start working on that. I got some ideas. Expect a full report soon.
A Grammy, an Oscar and the Nobel. Hometown boy makes good after being the Vice President for eight years and winning a Presidential election. Like a phoenix, he rose from the ashes of defeat and shame.
By the way, Albert Gore will not be your next Vice President. Not going to happen. There’s a place for him in this cabinet though.
The midwest is underwater and it ain’t over yet. It’s always ugly somewhere in America.
Lately it’s ugly just about everywhere in America.
In other news, Doubtfire has joined our Arsonists Laureate, Dick-in-Bush, for another round of the “let’s drill in enviromentally sensitive areas for a thimbleful of crude that we won’t see for a decade instead of investing in a new infrastructure of alternative fuels that may just create new industry and opportunity for entrepreneurialship and growth, both financially and technologically.”
It was that kind of day.
That sentence may make my top ten.
Drinks for my friends.