Archive for the ‘John Boehner’ Category
A gore festooned bill of health
The latest figures indicate that the fiercely embattled public option will cover a mere two to three percent of the currently uninsured and the CBO says premiums will most likely be somewhat more than current market price. Sounds like a wash to me. Sounds like the sucking of a drain. This whole thing is so fucking ridiculous. Smoke and mirrors, dogs and ponies. You can bet your ass, along with your lunch money, with those kinds of numbers, the whole thing is doomed to failure.
Spruce Goose bitches.
It will flop like Gerald Ford coming down the steps of Air Force One but it won’t ever get up again, at least not in my lifetime.
Good job everybody.
The only customers it’s poised to attract will be our sickest and least likely to succeed. No prom kings or queens here. Bottom of the gene pool, unhealthy, lowlife, walkin’ the dog saps. So it will be fiscally overburdened by virtue of our lowest common denominator and our last shot as the richest nation on earth to provide health care for our citizens will probably not even enjoy another attempt for at least half a century. Good job Democrats, you fucking pussies and even better job Republicans you obstructionist, plutocratic, avaricious, disingenuous, lying pieces of self serving shit.
I really hate you guys.
Did I say that or just think it out loud?
Is there a difference?
Well, let me say this: Fuck, fuck, fuck, snot and mucus and bile and shame and fear and stupid and puke………
You, Joe Lieberman, who’s state is ground zero for health insurance HQ’s and who announced publicly the intention to filibuster the very debate, and you, John Boehner lay off the embarrassing spray on tan and you, Chuck Grassley you lying prick and you, Mitch McConnel with more chins than a Chinese phonebook and you, Max Baucus who can suck my caucus and you, Kent Conrad and you, Blanche Lincoln, you Democrats in name only………every single one of you has sold out the best and most important life or death interests of the American people in general and your own constituents in particular for what you know will line your pockets, get you you re-elected and is nothing more than a pack of aspersions, distortions and preposterous calumny.
Whomever the asshole was that declared health care reform to be Obama’s Waterloo, forgive me it was Jim DeMint, might just have been exactly right. I don’t care who you are, that there’s fucked up.
This party might just might be over.
Have you no shame? No decency?
Y’all negotiated and philandered, lied and decried, wrung your hands and whined like little bitches while thousands died and ended up with the pussy party (D), still being able to save face with a donut hole public option, the asshole party (R), still able to fool some of the people most of the time while still screwing them with an atomic fucking jackhammer that put them there and paid there salaries and benefits all of the goddamn time.
Sick. Fucking sick. Pun intended.
Everyone got what they wanted, what they imagined they needed, while the lobbyist pimps, four to one for every legislator, spent a million bucks a day to make sure they and their corporate sugar daddies maintained the status quo and everyone got paid. You and me excepted, of course.
Because a horse is a horse of course of course and what does that make a dumbass donkey?
Cigars and cognac all around.
Some one hundred and twenty two people die every goddamn day because they lack the insurance to pay for what is killing them and the naysayers would have us debate socialism. Government takeover. Bullshit. Not just a theater but an opera house, with excellent acoustics, of the shrill and reverberating absurd.
I’m needing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Seriously.
Some tomato soup.
Mission Accomplished. Major combat operations are at an end. It’s all over but the shouting.
If I did my job as well as you do yours, I wouldn’t have one. Either that or I’d be a CEO.
This health care bill, all 1990 pages of it is going to be such a charade, facade and so spectacular a bellyflop of POLITICAL PORNOGRAPHY, so profound and disgusting, that any chance of, or attempt at, meaningful reform in banking, civil rights, justice, execution and prosecution of wars, foreign entanglements, energy, food supply, federal aide, education, accountability by any bureaucracy, institution, agency, corporation or industry will be so stained and suspect and blood spattered from other more egregious crimes, that this administration, all it’s good intentions intact, will experience a serious faceplant and we will all have been complicit in climbing decades backwards.
There’s you and there’s me, rip off the mask and let’s see.
We’ll march I guess, with rotting teeth and stage four cancer and we’ll get coupons for nachos and Hostess products at the 7-11. They’ll sell those bacon wrapped franks along the quarter mile route. There will will be tents for the overexerted at the halfway point.
Watch your NASCAR and your World Series while the politicians dither away at your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By the way, I was more than happy to see the Phillies hand the the Yankees their ass tonight and did you see the wrecks on Sunday at Talladega? Nice that both Newman and Martin walked away. But by the time both contests are actually decided, your life or death fate will most likely be determined well in advance. If you are uninsured, it is likely you will remain uninsured. Categorize yourself as therefore fucked.
The irony of death panels is that it’s a reality here and now. The irony of health care rationing is that it exists and is practiced without compassion today. The irony of socialized medicine, which we have now via Medicare and Medicaid, is that no country that enjoys it would ever give it up, us included.
There is no irony about the lies and obfuscation. They are simply lies and and obfuscation.
The idea of single payer health care is among the most humane, compassionate and progressive notions ever implemented by modern states, governments and societies. It is growth and progress where the human condition and even evolution are concerned. After all, it does serve to affect the perpetuation of our species in a constructive way. To utilize a small portion of the proceeds from our labor and largess to care for the people who are responsible for it, is a profoundly good idea from the perspectives of either the often mutually exclusive concepts of morality and commerce.
It makes fucking sense.
At least pot is legal in LA.
Drinks for my friends.
Bubble boyz
The far right neocons persist in marginalizing themselves with hate and irrationality, taking with them the entire GOP, Christians, evangelicals, conservatives and moderates. It’s a spectacle. A spectacular one. One buoyed exclusively by vituperative vitriolic invective vehemence. Pardon me but brainspank literally loves alliteration and it just happens to be entirely true.
I’m trying to tell you it lacks substance entirely.
They’ve abandoned facts and reason completely for fear, anger and hatred.
Republicans used to be wrong, not unreasonably stupid. Not so unapologetically obtuse.
Misguided perhaps but not insane.
What the fuck happened? Whatever it was, it took place on my generation’s watch. The elephantine have always been more racist, a little more greedy, a little too covetous of power and influence, a little too hypocritically pious and a little too lacking in compassion for the plight of the average American. That at least has been my perception.
Over the last two decades however, they’ve morphed into the political equivalent of little Regan from The Exorcist. Pun firmly and resolutely intended. Nasty, pea soup projectile vomiting, head spinning, cartoon effigies. When called on their bullshit, they hide behind an ugly wrongheaded nationalism thinly disguised as patriotism. Naked ugly jingoism. Ironic the “isms” they so casually toss at the rest of us.
They leave scales like fish wherever they go. It’s true.
My generation has witnessed the emergence and fortuitous exorbitance of such profound and disgusting dicktards as Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Elected representatives like Santorum, Ensign, DeLay, Palin, Dumbya, Grassley, Bachmann, Cantor, Gingrich, Joe Wilson and John Boehner. Birthers, Deathers, Teabaggers, Tenthers and Twelvers. Michael Steele, Joe The Plumber, Dick Cheney and Fox fucking news. Each and every one on this incomplete list of a uniquely American cavalcade of contretemps is a lying, obfuscating, shamelessly and hypocritically unpatriotic goddamn piece of shit.
And they all represent the contemporary conservative movement. Bear with me, I’m getting at something here.
Worthless, toxic, poisonous entities. Zero contribution to constructive public discourse. Absent everything save prurience and avarice. Giant boulders of sand in a smallish tub of Vaseline. Kidney stones the size of a thumb in an already inflamed urinal tract. Ugly and dumb.
Soon, they’ll disavow being mammals.
Take for example the rhetoric over the Nobel.
Some dickhead from Fox, Brian Kilmeade, wonders aloud whether Obama delayed the decision on troop deployment in Afghanistan to better his chances for the Nobel.
The Human Shitsmear announces that the “Nobel Gang have just suicide bombed themselves”.
Some asshat from Redstate said it was part of an “affirmative action quota”.
Glenn Beck thinks the Teabaggers deserve it more.
And The Human Shitsmear says “Something has happened here that we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn’t deserve the award.”
Curiouser and curiouser. Crazier and crazier. From shrill and scary, to gangs of banshees on meth.
Thus they further isolate themselves and alienate the humane and honest. As their bubble shrinks, it’s skin grows thicker. They hear and see less and less of the real world. Their shared view, ever more myopic. They inhabit more and more the CAVE dweller acronym. To wit: citizens against virtually everything. Get it?
I could spend all day providing egregious example after outrageous foray into overt racism, lies, baseless smears, deliberate distortions, hypocrisy, mean spirited interpretations………but see, I already have. I have been for years. I’m not alone. Not by far. They are so very afraid and fear is a great force multiplier.
It’s a fact that the number of Americans who identify themselves as Republican is way down and there’s no end to that atrophy in sight. Disdain for for their lies and misrepresentations grow. The last two election cycles have borne this out. Yet The Human Shitsmear still has about 20 million listeners and Fox yet enjoys better than twice the audience of CNN and MSNBC combined. I can’t help but be ecstatic about the their self perpetuating and therefore self defeating dynamic, but they stall manage to kick a lot of balls and infect substantial consciousness on the way down.
I believe at least 25% of any given population is incorrigibly stupid. Roughly the number that still supported Nixon. Roughly the number that still supports Bush. It’s a fact. Show me what you’re workin’ with.
Ah but:
“The White House’s battle with Fox News reached a new high on Sunday, when Communications Director Anita Dunn went on national television to blast Fox as a partisan organization that functions as an appendage to the Republican Party.
“Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party,” Dunn told CNN, adding, “let’s not pretend [Fox is] a news organization like CNN is.” Dunn also took her beef to The New York Times, saying in a Sunday interview that Fox is “undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House [and] we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.” -The Nation
Fuckin’ A.
There are those who would say, among them David Gergen of CNN, that the administration can neither afford to engage the FOX network in the context of so many larger issues at hand, and that it is somehow unseemly or inappropriate.
I admit I understand, and even feel that on certain levels, but still I have to call bullshit on it. This ain’t your dad’s TV News. There are no rules, no decorum, it’s all changed and these guys are assholes. They have no integrity, they’re in it for the money and they won’t quit until it stops paying. Reptiles pure and plain. They all spend time on a warm rock every day.
Never has a President been so embattled with zero emphasis on policy, ever. They never ever even bother to introduce or even recognize actual stated, written positions or policies ever. Ever. FOX news and it’s cadre of asshole spokesholes is the worst example of journalism in this or any other civilized country. They are the suicide bombers of the American Media. They would never die for their beliefs but they willingly fall on swords of stupidity and blow themselves up with combustible bigotry all day long. The key difference between them and the real thing is the lack of integrity and courage. Truth and honesty. The ‘real thing’ being fanatics with the twisted courage of conviction and journalists with truth as their ideal. FOX falls no where in between even those two extremes. At the end of the day, they sacrifice their dignity and self respect. They wake every morning fresh, to plunge into ignorance, reckless hostility and enmity and lie after fucking lie after fucking lie.
For nothing but the filthy lucre.
I’m completely aware of the potential consequence (s) a protracted street brawl between the White House and an entity like FOX and I am fully in favor of this administration taking them on and cleaning their clock. When they do their damndest to lie, call them on their irresponsible and misleading shit. You think the brain trust at FOX can even approach the level of intelligence, wit and wisdom in the White House? Me either. It’s not like it will be heavy lifting or time consuming.
I know full well that there are way bigger fish to fry but this has a strategic component to it too. Although the mouth breathers are a minority, they are a sizable and vocal one, and the most obvious and singular ringmaster is…….well, the Cartoon Network and then FOX.
Again, this ain’t your dad’s TV News.
“This ain`t no party, this ain`t no disco, this ain`t no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey, I ain`t got time for that now” -The Talking Heads
I believe it to be an absolute imperative of cunning and tactics. Bring it. And just maybe, for once, the Democrats will be seen to have a spine and a pair of testicles. Wouldn’t that be cool? Like punching the bully in the mouth so hard he falls down in front of the bus and the Democrats just once, walk up the steps breathing steam, proud and righteous.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Drinks for my friends.
Bang a gong
The President of The United States of America was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace today.
“By awarding you its most prestigious prize, the Committee is rewarding your determined commitment to human rights, justice and spreading peace across the world, in accordance with the will of its founder Alfred Nobel. It also does justice to your vision of tolerance and dialogue between States, cultures and civilizations. Finally, it sets the seal on America’s return to the heart of all the world’s peoples.” -Nicolas Sarkozy
Obama himself admitted to not being certain he deserved the honor and saw it as less of a tribute than a call to action. I can’t help but admire his lack of pretentiousness. He is serious and sincere and if they would just let him do what we elected him to do. What he came to do. It is so painful to watch, overt cockblocking every time he puts a foot forward. Nasty, senseless, painfully obvious obstruction for the sake thereof instead of reason or logic or common fucking sense.
It is clear to me that the Nobel committee intended to send the message that it liked the talk, but eagerly anticipated and encouraged the walk. I’m confident that about sums it up. There is no mystery here. They realize the potential power for good America holds in her fists and understand that we now have a leader of the caliber, intellect and compassion to loosen those fists into hands for helping and shaping and lifting.
Seems as though we’re always at a crossroads, a critical juncture. This President presides over the most persistently precarious positions and potential shifts of paradigm of any President in my lifetime at least. The ill conceived placement of a single toe, and we stare nuclear holocaust, collapse of the world economy, famine and pestilence in a face so proximate, it’s collective exhale will wither the young, the infirm and most of the worlds crops.
Understand we flirt with disaster by the hour.
Most Hostess and Armour products will endure. I think I’ll bury some to be safe. Oh, and some Ramen. There’s always a silver lining. Something to snack on while we rot will mitigate the circumstances somewhat. I’m hoping for blankets and comics until we liquify or sublimate to gaseousness.
Our man literally has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He bears it, along with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, with grace, dignity and humility. What’s in play here is not just mutually assured destruction, but racism and bigotry and people with rotting teeth because they don’t eat their vegetables or brush their teeth or read the goddamn paper.
I am proud. I am firmly of the belief that what stands between Obama, the American people and true, legitimate meaningful progress towards peace, justice and equity, is fear, ignorance, racism and stupidity so bold and heedless as to be unable to define itself, it’s reasons or it’s intentions. These people are fucking nuts.
Our President received the Nobel Prize for Peace today. The world roots for us and him. After the eight years long nightmare we visited on the world by either endorsing or acquiescing to the Dick-in-Bush antipathy and odium for the rest of the globe, the civilized nations are looking to us and hoping, praying, that we will turn the destructive behemoth around.
That’s what this means. This is what they’re asking us to do. It’s why they did it. Don’t be stupid.
It was no phantasm. It was real and horrible and what it wrought will take decades to repair. So western civilization is asking, beseeching us, to get back in the game of righting things as opposed to ignoring or tearing them apart. We are all human. Humanity is both our lowest and highest common denominator. Above and beyond country, ethnicity, religious provocation or social and ethical imperatives, we are all the same species. We are humans. We are people. All of us bleed, most of us love.
Still, people don’t or refuse to understand the import of such a momentous occurrence.
“It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights.’’ -RNC chair Michael Steele
Like who fuckhead? Rush “The Human Shitsmear” Limbaugh? Michele Bachmann? Ann Coulter? Hannity? John Boehner? Joe Wilson? Cornyn? Cheney? Rove? Hatch? Rumsfeld? Condi Rice? Palin?
Oh, the list is sooooo much longer. More than a gutter, more than a ditch. A landfill littered with losers just like you. Guilty and stupid.
Not exactly a roster of live and let live, compassion or peace, love and understanding. Fuck you Michael Steele you ignorant, sycophantic, Uncle Tom piece of shit. What we have here is a very good day for America and whomever pulls your strings is more sad and pathetic than even you. You suck as a human being and a puppet. How do you and yours sleep?
Drinks for my friends.
I just don’t know
My father would say ” I don’t understand all I know about that.”
Me too, or me either.
How is it asshats like Boehner and Bachmann, Cantor, Beckerhead, Limbaugh and Hannity can be comfortable in their own skin inveighing against Obama for spending eighteen hours in Copenhagen, lobbying to bring the Olympics to Chicago in 2016? If he’s successful, it will bring hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars to the beleaguered city starting the day after next. They all know this, yet they pretend not too, hoping we won’t know the difference. Understanding that the people who listen to them exclusively don’t want to know.
Preaching to and preying on the idiots. How do they sleep? With a diaper I’m sure.
They understand that’s why he’s doing it. It’s a chance at a tourniquet and maybe the saviour for an opposable thumb or at least a pinkie toe.
There is no downside for the great unwashed. As MSNBC pointed out this evening, Dumbya spent the better part of a week on photo ops and ass slapping in China as an embarrassing spectator. This cartoonery, while embroiled in two worsening wars and seismic rumblings foreboding an impending economic apocalypse. He spent a third of one of the most disastrous periods in American history on vacation clearing fucking brush on his own stupid ranch. It was cool, Dick was in charge. Bush vs. brush for well over a quarter of the entire time.
“Let’s have a non-alcoholic beverage, some chips and watch this here football contest. Watch I don’t choke and nevermind that daily brief about imminent terrorist attacks. Hell, I’m the President, have a real beer. You like deviled eggs? Goddamn, I do. We got whiskey here somewhere. Sombitch.”
Obama takes a week in the Hamptons and they behave like he’s ignoring Armageddon.
It may have been Michele Obama who said something like, if he walked on water they’d say he can’t swim. Yup.
You may get away with accusing him of spreading too thin but you can’t accuse him of not working his ass off for us.
I really need to keep this short, I’ve got plenty else going on, but goddamn it’s hard to watch. As far as I can see, this man is killing himself, working very hard and with beyond ordinate, point blank results. Iran agrees to let UN inspectors inside in a matter of weeks and publicly states a willingness to entertain outsourcing nuclear fuel enrichment. That could mean never having enough on hand to build a bomb and never having to say you’re sorry.
That’s just this week.
That’s fucking huge but we complain or worry about his briefest of sojourns in Denmark.
Biden’s got a jacked up lid but I’m fine with him having the conch. He’s a loose lipped cashier but I trust him. I own what it is to have an unruly wig and loose lips.
Health care reform is steaming down the mountain and I for one am cautiously optimistic. On this alone is far further than any President has ever come. He plays it cagey but he’s too smart to not know what he’s doing. He may be wrong but don’t think he doesn’t have a plan.
Get the fuck off him you shameless mouthbreathers.
Drinks for my friends.
So anyway… and contrast
A composition:
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is painfully obvious.
Republicans are greedy sociopathic reptiles who don’t give a mad fuck about their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Democrats are spineless douchebags, who lack the courage to get down in the mud and fight for their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Evidence being the massive ongoing struggle for any meaningful legislation despite significant majorities enjoyed by Democrats in both houses of congress. A pathetic, ridiculous and vulgar burlesque. Shameful and stupid but an attestation for Democrats being far more inclined to think for themselves or someone else as opposed to conventional party wisdom or lack thereof.
All on embarrassing and inept display.
Libertarians don’t care about anything, they just want commerce to flow. Anybody who wants to suck dick should be allowed with a particular deference to profit.
If you’ve been paying attention to the main stream media of late, you know that Republicans want to save us from socialism despite not understanding the concept, and Obama’s government lusts like a pizza faced adolescent army in neck braces or orthodontal head gear to takeover our health care so we can be killed off at their convenience.
Meanwhile, Republicans seek to kill pizza faced teenagers or adolescents in head gear for profit if possible.
Libertarians take no exception.
Responsible parents everywhere insist children wear helmets these days.
If you choose the contemporary Republican model, you see them as unrelenting right wing, neoconservative, intolerant evangelical Christian zealots who are afraid of anything homosexual or any other religion. You understand that they believe they know better while enduring a fusillade of common sense and science to the contrary. Book burning and creationism and the like.
Retards at the Roundtable. Scopes trial as blasphemy and all that.
I remember a time when what was contested was ideas, philosophy and policy. Discourse was just that. Polite and respectful. It was about issues. Then something happened. That something was William Jefferson Clinton. Far from perfect, but charismatic and smart as all get out. He presided over the longest period of economic prosperity America had ever seen. He left us with a massive surplus and a balanced budget for the first time ever.
We were cookin’.
The Republicans though, they did hate. They began to investigate. Afraid Bubba was Jesus, a special prosecutor named Kenn Starr was appointed to investigate Hillary’s real estate dealings while she was a member of the Rose Law Firm and they came up with dick. Pun to be intended. Nothing. Sand in hand they kept on…… and discovered Bubba got a blow job and so they impeached him. Never mind that it was none of our business. They spent tens of millions of dollars, more than on all investigating into the events of 9/11, to shine light on a Jewish woman unable to remove a stain from a dress.
First one ever I hear.
And that is really why we are where we are. It will all go down as the darkest and silliest period in American history. Yet it’s sordid smell means we are less likely to forget it than UFOs, Elvis or pick a disease. Let us hope the legacy will not be merely that of a cautionary anecdote, but rather a lesson about a forest instead of individual trees. Otherwise, America will not be America come one hundred years from now.
Tom DeLay is on dancing with the stars and it offends me. He’s paired with Cheryl Burke whom I think is the hottest thing since Georgia asphalt. Goddamn, the woman is gorgeous. Delay grins his lying rictus and looks as he has the breath of a sewer rodent. Creepy with a ‘K’. I really don’t like this guy and I’m a little jealous. Never watched the show and don’t intend to but that woman is one ripe gust of feminity
Share a smoke, Make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope
Words to memorize, words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise.
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I’m in your thighs
Oh my my my my my mo my mother
I would love to love you lover -Violent Femmes
Democrats are communist, anti constitution, caped crusaders who want to steal from anyone who has anything and give it to anyone who has nothing no matter how big of a loser the loser happens to be. I’m not really a Democrat but I tend to identify with them and that sucks on many levels. Giant dingbats who somehow manage to keep their self righteousness in place while failing at everything they attempt like pre-pubescent soccer players who get a trophy for simply showing up.
Democrats seem to “fail up”, almost as much as Republicans although not quite so deliberately. Max Baucus may be shocked to see the hand entirely up his ass and into his mouth via x-ray, but John Boehner would consider it as much business as usual as his spray on tan or morning knuckle and back shave. I fucking hate that guy.
They are different, Democrats and Republicans, but they are all still politicians. The qualities they share are a moral and ethical bankruptcy, a willingness to feast on or make a meal out of any cock connected to money, and an instinctual fondness for anything other than the absolute truth.
This is why reasonable reform of any kind, be it health care or of industries financial or military, is in perpetual jeopardy.
Nothing can change until we have reform for our system of campaigns and polling. Zero corporate money. None. Entirely financed by the electorate. Firm start and stop dates for campaigns and equal air time for candidates.
No meaningful change before that one.
Drinks for my friends.
Righteous ferocity
He spoke clearly. With confidence and conviction.
Righteous ferocity.
“Ours is not the first generation to understand the dire need for health reform. And I am not the first president to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last.”
No more Rope-a-dope boys and girls. Ha.
“We did not come here to fear the future; we came here to shape it.”
“The danger of too much government is matched by the perils of too little”
“If you misrepresent what’s in the plan, we will call you out.”
“But know this: I will not waste time with those who have made the
calculation that it’s better politics to kill this plan than improve
As for the “Deathers”:
“Such a charge would be laughable if it weren’t so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple.”
And the Republicans. The Fucking Republicans like Boehner and Cantor and McConnell and Hatch, who sat seething and smirking with turds in their mouths. Transparent and stupid. Cantor texting. What a dick. The whiplash of your arrogance is on the way. Half of you will be gone come 2010. I can’t wait.
Republican Joe Wilson actually shouted “You lie” while Obama assured us that reform will not cover illegal immigrants. Fucktard. Our Man flashed anger and moved on without missing a beat. A superhuman burst of restraint, composure and civility. A class act Our Man. Not less than brilliant in the face of callow contemptible disrespect directed at a man who has earned and deserves nothing but respect. He didn’t miss a beat, wasn’t rattled or even distracted. We are lucky to have this man leading our country. Forgive my gushing, but that brief moment reinforced everything I admire about our president.
At the end of the day, Joe Wilson did us all a favor by exposing what jackasses the contemporary GOP are. Thanks Joe, you’re still an asshole, but I thank you for being one.
He stared down those Republicans. Watch it. When he looks to the right on television he’s looking to his left in the chamber. The irony of where Republicans sit has never been lost on me. Observe the steel of his countenance and the fire in his eyes. He was picking them out and staring them down individually. One by one. The unspoken question, are you reptiles or humans? His words and his gestures signaled unequivocally that the blatant ridiculous fuckery is over.
You know Fox news carried some reality show instead of the speech.
He delivered unambiguous and vigorous support for a public option with some amount of caveat. We’ll have to wait and see but I welcome the predilection.
Then Charles Boustany appeared on my screen and lied. The same boilerplate, fear based bullshit. He spoke as though he hadn’t heard the speech the president had just given. Actually, given logistical constraints, he obviously hadn’t. It was a joke sans punchline. Pathetic, out of touch and he looked a fool as much as Jindal did. How do they get these poor bastards to do this?
The GOP are famous for exploiting the stupid, often of late towards their own demise.
The Republican party has never looked more like a bunch of dickheads than they did tonight. They have marginalized themselves with help of an unforeseen catalyst of Barack Obama’s expert political judo.
I have been frustrated for months now at the political calculus from the White House. The passive taking of blow after blow on the ropes like some cheesy boxing movie. I was disheartened and becoming bewildered. Now I wonder if he really did know what he was doing the entire time. Let them swing and shout, taunt and lie until they trod heavily on their own pudenda and cease to lay leather at all on anything that matters.
He may just be that good.
Can one speech, even if before the entire congress and a national television audience (except Fox), function as a game changer for such a momentous and hotly contested concern? The question on the lips of almost every progressive in America since it was announced. We shall see. It is more than incumbent on me however, to point out that this is no ordinary president. By that I mean he is extraordinary. He did exceptionally well tonight. Tone, nuance, sincerity and an overt sinewy rigor were all on display.
Impressive and I’m impressed. The character of our country. The letter from Teddy Kennedy. He framed it earnestly and effectively as a moral imperative and I have no reservation in declaring him to be absolutely right about that. Invoking Teddy was an appropriate, as well as emotional homage to a man who declared this the cause of his life.
Obama has once again acquitted himself a very smart man. A very sensitive man. An incredibly capable man. Deft and adroit and not to be underestimated.
He came off the ropes to swing hard and with precision. An expert boxer against a reckless and stupid brawler. They retire to their respective corners, our man fresh and with lightning in his eyes and fists furious. The brawler with legs of rubber, pukes his bloody mouthpiece, head swimming eyes confused as his crew goes to work and dreading the bell.
Todd Westergard, you may have been correct sir.
Show us this until it’s done Mr. President and we are golden.
Well done Mr. President. Very well done.
Drinks for my friends.
Cacti in my anal cleft
If I don’t close a few deals tomorrow, we all may be killed.
Gotta pay the rent and peanut butter by way of index finger is getting old.
Meanwhile the asstards of the GOP have decided that Sotomayor is so very experienced, possesses such an elaborate history of jurisprudence, that her confirmation must be delayed until after the end of the Mayan calendar, as they need to study her every move. They prefer her confirmation hearings begin sometime after the world ends in 2012.
What exactly do these men of lust, greed and glory hope to accomplish here? Don’t know about you, but they look like dickheads to me. She’s gonna be confirmed you assholes of the flat earth society.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, another right wing, homophobe, bigot loses his shit and goes off on innocents with a gun. This guy’s done time just like the last uniquely American tumor. You know by now DHS distributed a report a few months back warning against this specific conflagration. The Republicans piled on and forced an apology out of Janet Napolitano.
How rigoddamndiculous does that dance look today? Looks like under Obama, DHS might have a chance at efficacy. Might just be the most prescient and important thing they’ve ever done, you know, that report that predicted all of this.
Fucking Republicans. Can’t figure out why they’re not embarrassed.
The frontline of the GOP is the Human Shitsmear, Sarah Palin and some human salamander named Newt. The bench is Guy Smiley (Romney), McCain and John Voight. Can’t figure out why they’re not embarrassed. Rounding out Republican leadership is Michele Bachman and John Boehner. Mr. Everglow and Mrs. Dipshit. I understand now why Republicans pretend to stay right with God. Hypocrisy is in their blood and they are not then, easily embarrassed.
Still can’t figure out why they aren’t embarrassed. They have become parodies of themselves. Not a single original thought, plan, strategy or policy. Nothing but anti. Nothing but no. They just don’t get it. The weight of circumstances and the gravity of right now is barely in their periphery. They wander through fields and ditches without any concept of consequence. Not a single Republican is thinking about anything beyond itself.
Rome is dry. Rome is a tinderbox. Rome is about to burn and you assholes can barely be bothered to get off the phone.
Wake the fuck up you Republican moderates. You think you got no place to go other than Independent? A lot of us will be inclined to join with you or at least work with you if you can behave. We’ll hold it against you but we won’t throw it in your face.
Let’s get on with it.
Drinks for my friends.
Transformative? Not so much.
So the titular head of the GOP says, “The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over”.
Huh. You think? In light of all the malice, avarice and incompetence your party has fomented and been complicit in for the last eight years, you’re no longer accountable? Not to be asked or even compelled to apologize?
Michael Steele issued this proclamation. He has giant balls made of flaky, semi solid, foamy stuff. Premier asstard of the GOP.
Hey Mike, wanna bet?
Mike is a loose lipped cashier. He’s also an idiot.
Looks like somebody picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
This dark stain is your legacy. I’m thinking you guys need to make peace with that. It’s a blood stain. You won’t be taken seriously until you do.
It is this exact brand of arrogance that keeps Republican stock in the shitter. That, and the looming visage of dickheads like Darth Cheney and the Human Shitsmear. These two aren’t the only ones tripping over themselves while waltzing through the GOP’s intestines. I adore how jacked up they are.
Somebody doesn’t get the difference between consonants and vowels.
Meanwhile and just in time, swine flu rears it’s ugly head again. Somebody died! Quick, call Mr. Little, first name Chicken.
In other news, two groups are seeking disbarment of twelve Bush administration lawyers. Despite a rather overt political posture, their argument is pretty airtight:
“Just as the bar would suspend an attorney who advised a police officer to torture and brutalize a detained immigrant or criminal defendant, the bar must suspend these attorneys for advocating and causing the torture of war detainees,” said Kevin Zeese, a spokesman for the groups. -UPI
Fuckin A, I’m good with that. All the assholes were named. Yoo, Ashcroft, Gonzales and Mukasey et al. Don’t know about you, but I’m getting a half leaner over here. It won’t amount to shit.
Hi. I oppose birth control and abortion in the same breath. I really believe you should get married to experience live dick insertion. Who am I? I’m the Catholic Church and I’m okay, I lust all night and I hypocrite all day. Premarital sex is a sin but ass raping young boys isn’t even outre’…………
When did prisoners become detainees?
John Boehner actually said “our constituents don’t want these terrorists in their neighborhoods”. He fucking said it. The subject was Gitmo detainees. Boehner’s neighborhoods are in Ohio. How do you say that with a straight face at a press conference in front of cameras? John Boehner’s neighborhoods in Ohio, are light years from a military prison in Kansas surrounded by a military base. This whole debate is regoddamndiculous. Boehner needs to lay off the bronzer. His eyes are particulary reptilian in contrast with his earnestness to become a lite skinned black man.
Who is this fuck?
Boehner is creepy weird and an astoundingly magnificent dickhead. He’s so full of shit his caramel orange pallor may just be benefiting from the tremendous output and efficiency yielded by his super human shit producing capability. It’s all he can do to keep from vomiting actual warm crap while speaking. Several times a day he burp-pukes and swallows turds back down into his gullet.
Let me tell you how I feel about John Boehner.
This guy is more queer than a pole vaulter in an ice storm.
What the rest of us need to remember, is that are we to march jackbooted in lock step like the Republicans did until the obvious consequence of rot and implosion transpired, events will be eerily similar.
Or, diversity will emerge as strength. It already has.
Diversity could be the next exclusivity. Beware. Don’t laugh, because I’m not kidding and that could be scary. Ubiquitous caucasian males would be in for a tough time. Too many of us.
White power!
Drinks for my friends.
This just in, there’s a handful in front of you…..what the hell
So Darth Cheney declared today that it would be a mistake to for the GOP to “moderate”.
“This is about fundamental beliefs and values and ideas … what the role of government should be in our society, and our commitment to the Constitution and constitutional principles,” Cheney said in an interview with North Dakota radio host Scott Hennen Thursday…… -CNN
North Dakota radio, heh.
Dick Cheney is a consummate douchebag. Commitment to the constitution? Fuck you, you lying hypocritical sleazy piece of shit. The object was for you to serve at the convenience of The Costitution, not for it to serve at yours. This statement by you makes me so angry because it reveals you as a world class liar and you still have the withered stones to beak sociopathic bullshit.
You Mr. Cheney, are the depth and breadth of the entire aggregate from dipshit to insanity. You are it’s evil and myopic, it’s misunderstanding, from front to back, from top to bottom. You pull strings for Limbaugh to Hannity, from Bachman to Lieberman.
You’re a dirty bastard.
You think you know, you imagine you have a handle, all in your hands is calcified turds. The fate of sucking is really bad enough. The idea of sucking and not knowing, is about as bad as it gets.
Poster child.
What’s occuring in the Republican party of late is beyond fascinating. It’s a multi car pileup with people face down on the pavement in their own gore. It’s that and a hokey, amateur production of The Music Man or Dirty Dancing or maybe a circus with only invalids for performers. They are breathtakingly out of touch.
Matt Taibbi wrote a great piece about it recently in Rolling Stone. He rocks.
With GOP spotlight whores like Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin and Tricky Dick Cheney, it’s not about to get any better. These people are clowns. Forgive me, it’s fucking awesome. The best and the brightest.
Too many of them don’t get it. It amazes me. They have zero grip on the simplest of things like conventional wisdom, current polls and even the goddamn news. The GOP has lost it’s romance with America. They were lying. Thank Sheezus we smelled the goddamn Joe.
I loathe right wing Christians. They’re stupid and diabolical.
Have you noticed how close together their eyes are?
I reserve the right to tell people their beliefs are stupid if they knock on my door or approach me in public. If their shit ends up all over the news, they should practice pissing up a rope.
Drinks for my friends.
Title courtesy of Jon Stewart.
Subject: The stimulus bill.
He didn’t invite them to his table, he sought to sit at theirs. He told them what he intended to do and solicited their contributions. He asked them for their ideas. He made concessions. Diluted his ideas with theirs in the spirit of bipartisanship.
Despite such pointed magnanimity, every single Republican in the house walked away. Irresponsible, single minded, tunnel vision afflicted pricks. Shameful and embarrassing. How ridiculous. Yes Virginia, Republicans are not only assholes, but deaf, dumb and blind assholes.
He knows better than they do that he doesn’t need them. They’ve been marginalized by their own actions. They are fools and he understands this better than they do. He didn’t do this to them, they are prisoners of their own device.
He walked straight at them with hands open and they chose instead to piss into the wind. Let the record show they are damp and they stink.
Like soldiers stranded on remote islands with no evidence the war is over.
Punks. Dipshits. The most clueless union of fucktards to ever inhabit our government since they were the most clueless union of fucktards ever in power. Children.
“Why behave in public when you’re living on a playground?” -David Lee Roth
Stay with me.
Are we to expect this sort of partisan obstinance to continue? Did they not get the memo? Do they not understand that they are over? Ignorance does not always prove to be bliss. Led by House Minority Leader John Boehner (Boner), The Repugnicunts marched in jackbooted lockstep. Lemmings. They haven’t even bothered to wet a finger and hoist it. They still think it’s 1992. Chronic insouciance.
Boner quotes:
“This Was a Bipartisan Rejection of a Partisan Bill” Um, what? How can it be a bipartisan rejection when it was a single party exclusively doing the rejection? Spot the retard.
“I’m just a Congressman, so I have no opinions about what the government does. My opinion on waterboarding is classified information.” -WEBCommentary
John Boehner is a clueless dickhead. The poor dumb saps from Ohio got him as substitute teacher after Tom DeLay was forced to walk the plank.
I say slash every concession out of the bill, every unecessary tax cut and let them eat goddamn cake. Our man should take full advantage of the bully pulpit and otherwise let be what will be.
There is no tangible difference between House Republicans like Boner and the CEOs that rode corporate jets to to Washington to beg for money. No different than the megalomaniacal Wall Street captains that took tax payer money for bonuses in an awe inspiring display of ostentatious avarice.
I gotta give it to Claire McCaskill for proposing legislation that would cap salaries for Wall Street execs of firms recieving TARP money at $400k, the same as President of The United States. “These people are idiots. You can’t use taxpayer money to pay out $18-billion in bonuses… What planet are these people on?” -Daily Kos
Couldn’t have said it better myself. How many of the aforementioned would you guess are Republican? I imagine the answer would delight me.
I’m reasonably sure that this style of creep is on the verge of extinction. I’d like to believe that anyway. One thing is certain, they are no longer at the wheel and that is encouraging. Fools. Insidious fools.
If House Republicans are in any way representative of the future of their party, it may be time for them to contemplate the most flattering diorama they can afford in backward ass country fuck museums across our great land. Dinosaurs anyone? Neanderthal. Cro-Magnon at the very least. Reptilian perhaps. Assholes without a doubt.
The diorama itself would have to depict various men and women in obvious sartorial business splendor fellating a variety of other similiarly attired beltway professionals with wheelbarrows of filthy lucre at the ready and nearby. The obligatory backround matte painting would include poor folks suffering from hazardous chemical contamination, non US citizens impoverished and displaced by war and The Constitution being defecated on et al.
Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya you miserable bastards.
Drinks for my friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, we just may be fucked
This will get ugly quick because Doubtfire has nothing to lose. He’s in the suck and losing ground. It will be painful for a cornucopia of reasons. We’ll actually suffer for the inevitable shift of focus further away from legitimate issues and onto complete bullshit.
It’s gonna really piss me off. I can tell.
At issue and as example, something like a hundred and fifty nine thousand jobs lost last month alone. Double the average of monthly losses this year. This is very bad news. Think about it. That’s twice the number you saw packing the stadium in Denver for Barack’s speech at the DNC.
Understand, we need a net gain of somewhere between a hundred and a hundred fifty thousand jobs a month to sustain the zero sum game that accommodates nothing more than population growth and newly elligible workers. Assume this means men and women eighteen and up.
What I’m getting at here is this month alone, the actual net job loss was more like two hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand. See, now we’re talking about three, almost four times the people in that stadium.
That’s a shitload of lives.
Don’t forget to add that figure to every monthly job loss report this year. It effectively doubles the figure of seven hundred fifty thousand so far, to about one and a half million jobs lost this year alone. Conservative estimate.
Ten thousand foreclosures a day.
We are in very serious trouble.
Can you hear me now?
Don’t forget the number of Boomers retiring and therefore acquiescing to a fixed income and the rite of passage into drawing from social security, medicare, medicaid etc. To be clear, they’ve paid into these programs their whole lives. They deserve every damn dollar. The Republicans hate these programs and call them “entitlements”. Just like they call their jihad against the average citizen being able to sue the shit out of a major corporation for punitive AND actual damages, “tort reform”. When they whine about “frivolous lawsuits”, they really mean we shouldn’t be able to take the rich to court.
I hate them. I see John Boehner. I hate that guy.
We are hopelessly entangled in wars and caught up in the gears of countless foreign policy debacles. Ten billion a month in Iraq on credit and we’re still obstinate enough to pick fights. No wonder the World thinks we’re assholes.
Still, the contest for our next President is up in the air. Obama’s numbers continue to encourage, but Americans are fickle and stupid. I will never again underestimate the average American’s ability to do the dumb thing.
Our Man will prevail and that’s good, but I shudder at the toxic hazard he inherits. I worry that unless he’s got spheres hanging, of beautifully sculptured cubic zirconia, he’ll end up with the blame for a country rent asunder, the fall of The American Empire. He may ultimately preside over our demise.
I’d still pick him for that. Who better?
McCain would end up a puddle of melted crayons. Maybe a cheap roadside firework.
I loathe that the best choice we’ve had for President in a very long time is to be bequeathed such fragile, dangerous and explosive wreckage. Hard to believe he wants the job at all. I do think he wants it for the right reasons.
In turn, I believe McCain either wants it for reasons he doesn’t understand or, more likely, reasons that are not in America’s best interest. I’m trying to tell you that he’s more than a little crazy. He scares me and his laugh is fucking creepy.
Sarah Palin is not merely an empty suit. She is handsome pinstripes, expensive wool of Italian design, floating in the vacuum of space.
She sucks.
This man, Our Man, might just be able to lead us from the desert. I believe it’s in him so long as it is in us.
Drinks for my friends.
Allright, I’ll weigh in
Just like Doubtfire, economics is not my strong suit. I took macro and micro in college, over twenty years ago. I bought and sold a house that earned me a profit. Kinda. I can do math in my head. Kinda.
Ironically, in recent months I’ve become a banker, monkey suit and all. Not a real banker, but I sell credit, money. Most of my work is from home surrounded by empty containers of every kind. Gin bottles and ketchup packets, candy wrappers and Lysol dispensers. Fast food wrappers and plastic bags from Rite Aid.
I don the gorilla costume to actually show up at the bank and close deals I’ve solicited. Haven’t made shit yet, but I like my job.
Anyway, this bailout was a shitty bill, yet the stock market reacted disastrously when it didn’t pass. It cost American industry over a trillion dollars in one day. That’s a figure neither you or I have the capacity to even imagine.
The most humongous one day free fall in the history of the NYSE. Just last week we saw WaMu take the dirt nap. The largest bank in the history of the world to fail.
It’s gettin ugly up in here.
For once I agree with Ben Stein, he posits that the ideal would be a bill that extinguishes the fire from the bottom to the top. A bill that would allow for assistance to the homeowners and therefore trickle up if you will, to strengthen the lending institutions and banks on the verge of collapse. I’m a populist, so I tend to cast a favorable eye on an idea like that. The rich have made their money, the middle class are getting shithammered. The poor are more fucked than ever.
For you ingnorant fucks, ‘populist’ is code for socialist or even communist.
I also agree with Stein and Paul Krugman that something has to be done and fast. Credit must flow in ways you and I don’t understand. This is a financial conflagration that must have high pressure hoses trained on it right away.
Yes, it’s the fat bastards that are on fire, it’s weird how their outer layer pops and sizzles like bacon. I hate the smell of their hairy backs burning. Unfortunately, they still have the keys to the universe for most of us. Pricks. No matter what, it’s gonna suck, so we need to get started.
It’s ok they were allowed to burn for a few.
Put the fire out and hang the rich later.
I’m really not interested in who said what and why it didn’t pass. Pelosi chastised the dickheads and their panties ended up in a bundle. That makes them pussies. It’s awfully nice to see John Boehner get spanked by his own party though. I hate that guy. High comedy. Excellent drama.
Maybe just this once, partisan politics will lead to better legislation. Maybe. I hate to say it, but I’m of the opinion that congress needs to pass something and Dumbya needs to sign it. Sooner rather than later.
By the way, have you seen Dumbya lately? Looks like he’s been on the recieving end of a few too many blanket parties. I bet he’s drinking again and I don’t blame him. He’s the biggest fuck up in the entire world. He’ll end his days in a comfortable chair stinking of beer and cigarettes. In an upscale Texas trailer park. A doublewide with a paved carport at least. The high point of his day will be Jerry Springer and watering the dry patches out back. Around seven he’ll switch from beer to whiskey. His neighbors will like him and he’ll hang lights for Christmas until he falls in the kitchen and breaks his hip. He’ll stop beating Laura.
Forgive me.
What will be interesting, is the Vice Presidential debate on Thursday, the same day Congress returns after holiday. Palin vs. Biden. I like Joe Biden but it will be the blowhard against the moose in headlights.
What’s up with the old man showing up to hold Whats Her Name’s hand for round two with Katie? Pitiful. Sheezus. He doesn’t trust her and she doesn’t know shit.
So much for suspending your campaign and postponing the debate until the crisis has been averted, huh Doubtfire? Go home and ride the mower dude.
“He [Dumbya] tried to ruin the country in his first term, now he’s trying to ruin the world in his second term. Let’s not give him [McCain] a third term”. -Paul ‘high functioning moron’ Begala
“We may all be killed” -Paul, Blue Velvet
Drinks for my friends.
subterfuge & fuckheads
The GOP members of the house had a dilemma today; whether to hold their breath until blue or take their ball and go home. They opted for the latter. The former struck them as bad form. Unseemly. Immature.
See, the Democrats of the same body were pushing to hold the most dubiously qualified Supreme Court nominee in history and replacement for the alarmingly obsequious and chronically full of shit Alberto Gonzales, Harriet Miers, as well as notorious White House crony Josh Bolten, in contempt.
Minority Leader John Boehner said, “We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,”. What a dick. I don’t care how he claims his sir name should be pronounced, looks like BONER to me. BONER became House Minority Leader, replacing DeLay, after that fucktard was indicted.
It didn’t have dick to do with national security.
Miers and Bolten refused to testify before the House Judiciary Committee about the nefarious firing of nine federal prosecutors for not pursuing bullshit voter fuckery against various Democrats. The White House claims executive privilege on their behalf. It is the furthest this brand of smoke & mirror subterfuge has ever been stretched.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino called the move “a partisan, futile act” that would not be enforced by the Justice Department. -CNN
Full of shit.
The Republicans were whining for the Dems to renew the surveillance bill that allows for immunity from prosecution for the the big telecom plutocrats that illegally cooperated with Dick-in-Bush in the wiretapping of innocent Americans. Yep, Dick-in-Bush don’t want to see them testify because it will conclude with both their corrupt asses being held accountable.
On the spit, maybe.
And therein lies the irony of the rub. The DOJ would be counted on to execute the contempt charges, yet it is the very same bureaucracy at the center of the scandal for the prosecutor firings
This whole thing is unfuckingbelievable.
Man I hate these guys.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that they’ve hated on each other publicly, Guy Smiley endorses Doubtfire while one of the Little Bootlicker’s top advisors, Mark McKinnon, vows to resign if Obama wins the Democratic nomination.
Obama beat Hillary the other day by a vote total of more than McCain actually recieved all night.
She did however, prevail in New Mexico today by a margin so slim her nails still look ok.
Larry Craig stopped dangling today. Yeah, check this. He got a letter today from whatever collection of dipshits appointed to investigate him. Um, The Senate Ethics Committee.
Oh man.
It seems he paid over two hundred thousand dollars in legal fees for soliciting an undercover cop for sex in an airport bathroom with campaign donations. With money that people donated for his re-election. The letter from the committee went on to say they believed he “committed the offense to which you pled guilty” and that “you entered your plea knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently.” -AP
No censure, no call for resignation. Giant spineless vaginas. Check my categories for more on this prick Larry Craig.
What exactly is going on in the Senate? They can’t even publicly decry this piece of shit? Issue a statement saying he’s a jackass and should walk? Under Mr. Harry Reid, the Democrats are goddamn ridiculous.
The republicans are swimming in shit and the wind is blowing it into their pie holes. Right into their faces.
Senate Democrats walk around with mouths wide open in stupidity at the same time.
Drinks for my friends.